Arthroscopic Surgery and Sports Medicine
A lot of joint and ligament problems can be treated by keyhole surgery, otherwise called Arthroscopic surgery. A well done Arthroscopy by an experienced surgeon can cure instability from ligament tears of the knee, shoulder, ankle, elbow and hip. Some of the commonly done arthroscopic surgeries include
- Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction of the Knee
- Arthroscopic PCL reconstruction of the Knee
- Arthroscopic Meniscal repair of the Knee
- Arthroscopic Bankart repair of the Shoulder
- Arthroscopic Bankart repair and Remplissage of the Shoulder
- Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair of the Shoulder
- Arthroscopy assisted Ankle ligament reconstruction
- Arthroscopic loose body removal from the Knee, Shoulder, Elbow, Ankle and Hip
- Arthroscopic stiffness release for the elbow
- Arthroscopic release for Tennis elbow
- Arthroscopic labral repair of the Hip
- Arthroscopic chelectomy/ debridement for Femoro acetabular impingement (FAI)

Our arthroscopic surgeons Dr Saseendar and Dr Samundeeswari from the Arthroscopy Unit in the Department of Orthopedics at SLIMS perform simple and complex arthroscopy surgeries of the Knee, Shoulder, Elbow, Ankle and Hip abs have helped professional athletes return to Sports.
Do not neglect your bones and joints. Discuss with us to get healthy and return to sports. Your Heath is our Priority!

Arthroscopic Ligamentous Reconstruction
40yrs old Male Mr. Raja, a load man by occupation got injured his Right knee 3 months ago. He was not able to weight bear & walk and flex his Right knee. He was admitted & underwent MRI RIGHT KNEE and was diagnosed as Multiligamentous Injury. He was planned for Arthroscopic ligamentous reconstruction as staged procedures. First Arthroscopic Posterior cruciate ligament & Lateral collateral ligament were reconstructed. After 3 weeks, Arthroscopic Anterior cruciate ligament & Medial collateral ligament was reconstructed. Post operatively, He was on regular physiotherapy and Patient is able to weight bear & walk.
An Effective Management of Polytrauma Patient
A 40 years old gentleman presented to us on 27/11/22 with the alleged history of swept away by waves into rocks at 5:30 am on 26/11/22 near Kanyakumari and sustained injury to his neck, chest, back and left lower limb. He was unable to sit or stand post injury. He took initial treatment at Kanyakumari GH and then came to SLIMS for further management being a resident of the local community.
On arrival his vitals were BP:90/60mmhg PR:112/min and spo2 of 97% on RA. On examination he was pale with reduced air entry to right chest. Efast was done and abdominal organ injury was ruled out. After initial stabilization and multidisciplinary evaluation he was sent for radiological evaluation.
On clinic radiological evaluation he was diagnosed to have L1 Burst fracture (AO type A4) with No deficit, Comminuted left proximal 1/3rd shaft fracture, Fracture C6 lamina (AO type A0), Fracture C7 superior articular facet (AO type F1), Fracture right 1st and 8th rib with right pneumothorax with collapse of lower lobe, Hypovolemic shock and ICD was placed to right chest for pneumothorax and blood was transfused. He was admitted to the intensive care unit. Serial radiological evaluation were done and his pneumothorax resolved .Once his general condition improved PAC obtained and he was planned for staged surgical intervention.
As stage 1 on 2/12/22 he underwent closed reduction and PFN A2 fixation of the left femur fracture under GA. The intubation was done using fibreoptic bronchoscopy considering his cervical spine fracture. No intraoperative adverse events were encountered and he withstood the procedure well. The post-operative period was uneventful.
As stage 2 on 7/12/22 he underwent short segment posterior stabilisation for L1 fracture from D12 to L2 under GA. He withstood the procedure well and the post-operative period was uneventful. Post-operative x-rays were found to be satisfactory.
He was clinically better and comfortable serial wound inspections were done and found to be healthy. He was mobilised and started on supportive physiotherapy with Taylor's brace, Philadelphia collar and walker support. He was discharged on 16/12/22.
- Dr. Sairamakrishnan (Spine and Trauma surgeon)
- Dr.S.S. Abilash (Orthopaedician)
- Dr. Thanigai Sakthi Vadivel (General Surgeon)
- Dr. Vishwanath Hiremath (Anaesthetist and Critical care)
- Dr.Nagalingam ( Anaesthetist )