International Yoga Day 2022
21st June 2022
National CME on “Comprehensive Approach to Breast Lesions”
17th June 2022

A national CME on comprehensive approach to breast lesions was organized by department of Pathology , Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Science , affiliated to BIHER Chennai on 17th june 2022

On this occasion Prof. Dr. Pammy Sinha HOD, department of Pathology welcome the gathering & programme was inaugurated by our Honourable Dean Dr . G. Jayalakshmi with Medical superintendent Dr Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, vote of thanks was given by Dr. Uma K P, professer of Pathology. Eminent speakers from various institution were invited for the CME (Dr.Vigneshwaran, Dr.Prabhu, Dr. Debasis Gochatt, Dr. Banusree, Dr.Erli,& Dr.Sivaganesh). Poster presentation by PG AND CRRI’S was done. Prizes were given for the best three poster presentation

All participants actively participated in the competition, making the sessions fruitful and lively. Participant Feedback about the entire workshop was very positive.

Workshop on “Diagnostic role of RTPCR in infectious diseases”
23rd - 25th June 2022

Department of Microbiology has conducted 3 days, Hands on workshop on “Diagnostic role of RTPCR in infectious diseases” at Molecular Biology Lab, SLIMS. Delegates from IGMC, Madurai Medical College, Annamalai University, PRIST university, St.Joseph’s College, Indra Gandhi Arts & Science College, Divine mother college, have successfully completed the training.

Tamil Nādu Medical Council has awarded 4 credit hours for this workshop.

Department of Emergency Medicine has conducted Conference on Comprehensive Management of Paediatric Emergencies (ICONPE’22) at SLIMS on 27th & 28th June 2022

Managing a pediatric emergency is one of the most stressful situation in an Emergency Medicine department. Pediatric emergency is frequently associated with an uncertain diagnosis & limited access to diagnostic interventions and are managed by member of a multidisciplinary team .Emergency medicine department of Sri Lakshmi Narayana institute of medical sciences in coordination with other related departments conducting this conference focuses on various aspects of pediatric emergency situations and its management including technical and non technical skills required for the same . We hope this International conference will ENLIGHTEN , STRENGTHEN,AND UPDATE the existing knowledge of medical practitioners to manage pediatric emergencies .

World Blood Donor Day
14th June 2022

A one day programme on the occasion of WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY ‘’Donating Blood Is An Act Of SOLIDARITY “ was organized by the Department of Pathology , Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Science on 14th june 2022. Poster presentation on Blood Donation Awareness by second year MBBS Students was done .Followed by Guest lecture on Patient Blood Management by Dr. S.Kingsley MD Transfusion medicine Associate professor Blood centre PIMS, Puducherry .On this occasion Prof. Dr. Pammy Sinha HOD, department of Pathology welcome the gathering & programme was inaugurated by our Honourable Dean Dr . G. Jayalakshmi with Medical superintendent Dr Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, vote of thanks is given by Dr. Jeevana Nilkund , Associate professer . Followed by online Quiz on BLOOD DONOR DAY, almost 120 students participated in the quiz competition which was conducted by Dr .sheena. Para clinical and clinical departments of the college participated in the guest lecture on the virtual mode. All participants actively participated in the competition, making the sessions fruitful and lively. Participant Feedback about the entire workshop was very positive.

CME & Workshop - Research Methodology on Animal Studies
4th June 2022

Department of pharmacology conducted a CME and workshop programme – “Research Methodology on Animal Studies” on 4th june 2022 by hybrid mode under guidance by Dr. Somasundaram G, HOD & professor and organized by department faculties. We have guest speakers from Bhaarath Medical College, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital and JIPMER. Totally 250 delegates were participated in the CME and 30 were participated in the workshop. Around 30 were participated in online mode. Programme was started at 9.00 am with registration followed by inauguration. Our chief patrons Dr. S. Jagatharakshakan & Dr. J. Sundeep Anand, Dean Dr.G. Jayalakshmi, medical superintendent Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra kumar, vice principal Dr. Pammy Sinha, & Deputy medical superintendent Dr. Kalashree inaguarated the CME. First session was briefed by Dr. Banupriya on various animal models used for the different types of experiments in research followed by organ collection, organ weight analysis and processing for histopathology in laboratory animal studies by Dr. R Bharathidasan, ethics in animal research by Dr. J. Mohanasundram and alternative methods available in replacing animals by Dr.P. Elango. Afternoon session begins with maintenance of animal house by Dr. sulthan AL Rashid followed by workshop on animal handling and feeding techniques by Dr. Rajaram. All the session went well and informative. Feedback was received from the delegates and session was closed with felicitation of the speakers and certificate distribution to the participants. TNMC credit points was awarded for this CME & Workshop.

National Doctor's Day
1st July 2022

To appreciate and recognize the importance of the doctors’ roles in the society National Doctor's Day was observed and first observed in India in 1st July 1991- an Honour to Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy. The Doctor's Day Celebration was organized at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences on 1st July 2022. Greetings and sharing of experiences was made by our beloved Dean, Head of the Institution Prof. Dr. G. Jayalakshmi. And The Hon'ble Minister for Agriculture, Puducherry, Thiru. C. DJEACOUMAR participated as Chief Guest for the Doctor's Day Celebration and inaugurated the function with Entertainment games, Extempore, Puzzles, debates, Dance and Singing competitions and other fun games like bursting of baloons, drinking 1.5 Litres of water in 30 seconds, Lemon in the spoon race and drawing tail for the cat as blind folded. The doctors enjoyed the live gazals as doctors for some stress relief and to take some time out from their busy schedules. Further all doctors assured that they will practise medicine with integrity, humility, honesty, and compassion—working with my fellow doctors and other colleagues to meet the needs of their patients. At the end of the function blowing out candles and cutting a cake was made and distributed to all Doctors and workers at SLIMS

8th July 2022

Inaugural function of SLIMS ANM - 2022 Anaesthesia Nephrology meet, for the International conference on "COMPREHENSIVE CARE IN KIDNEY DISEASES" conducted by Dept of Anaesthesiology, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical sciences puducherry on 08.07.2022. Respected Dean Dr Jayalakshmi, Medical superintendent Dr Asayas Bosco, HOD Dept of Anaesthesia Dr Vishwanath R Hiremath, Deputy Medical Superintendent Dr Kalasree, Director Nephrogy dept Dr K Narayanan, International speaker Dr Jagadish S Jamboti and Dr Sarojini Jagadish has participated and highlighted the event... Discussion on kidney disease is a useful topic for all medical aspirants. Understanding Kidney disease in all aspects including Anaesthesia, Surgery (Renal Transplant) and Obstetrics are much needed for their management and better outcome. # Anaesthesia Nephrogy Meet - 2022 # SLIMS..

National workshop on "Research Methodology and Biostatistics"
2nd & 3rd July 2022

Inaugural function for the National workshop on "Research Methodology and Biostatistics" conducted by Dept of Anaesthesiology, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical sciences puducherry and ISA puducherry on 02.07.2022 & 03.07.2022. Respected Dean Dr Jayalakshmi, ISA president Dr Ezhil Rajan , Medical superintendent Dr Asayas Bosco, HOD Dept of Anaesthesia Dr Vishwanath R Hiremath, Deputy Medical Superintendent Dr Kalasree , ISA secretary Dr Sanmuga Valli has participated and highlighted the event... Research methodology is equally important for Medical and Non medical fields.

Research knowledge provides a good training to the new research worker especially post graduates and enables them to do better research study... # Research Methodology and Biostatistics # SLIMS

Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Meet - 2022
22nd July 2022

Inaugural function of SLIMS medicolegists forum - 2022 Forensic medicine and toxicology meet, for the national conference on " MCCD- medical certification cause of death " conducted by Dept of Forensic medicine and toxicology , Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical sciences, Puducherry on 22.07.2022. Respected Dean Dr. Jayalakshmi, Medical superintendent Dr. Asayas Bosco, HOD Dept of Forensic medicine and toxicology Dr. Sitalal Rathod, organising secretary Dr. Abhay betala, joint secretary Dr. Shreen and Dr. Janarthanan, Vice president Dr. Friengnston marak, speaker Dr. Vinod chaudri and Dr. Gerard Pradeep has participated and highlighted the event... Discussion on MCCD is a useful topic for all medical aspirants. Understanding How to write a MCCD certificate in all aspects including every department much needed for their management and better outcome. # Forensic medicine and toxicology Meet - 2022 # SLIMS.

Intensive Vaccination Drive
28th July to 5th August 2022

In view of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences Puducherry had conducted ‘Intensive Vaccination Drive’ from 28th July to 5th August 2022. The Event started from 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. at Slims campus. Vaccines were provided by Koodapakkam PHC. Registration facilities were arranged and eligible beneficiaries were registered in the Cowin app. Beneficiaries include, Faculties of MBBS, B.Sc. Nursing and AHS, All PGs students of SLIMS and BSc Nursing students, AHS students, all CRRIs and other non-teaching staff. After vaccination, beneficiaries were kept under observation to address any Adverse Events Following Immunization for 30 minutes.

World Nature Conservation Day
28th July 2022

World Nature Conservation Day has been celebrated on 28-07-2022 in Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences by our students and conducted a rally emphasizing awareness on World Nature Conservation Day. Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Dean and Dr. Asayas Bosco, Medical Superintendent and Faculties of various departments have participated in the function. Students were elaborated about their role in preserving nature, presented pluck cards with various quotes and created awareness in the nearby community.

World Breastfeeding Week
1st to 6th August 2022

World Breast Feeding Week was celebrated at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences from August 1st to 6th 2022 by the Department of Paediatrics. The theme for this year is “Step Up for Breastfeeding: Educate and Support”.The week started off with an Inaugural function at the Hospital reception with Respected Dean Dr.G.Jayalakshmi, Medical Superintendent Dr.Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Deputy MS Dr Kalashree and Vice Principal Dr Pammy Sinha as the Chief guests.

Dr. K. Maheshwari, Head of the Department of paediatrics welcomed our dignitaries. Following the inauguration, a community health talk was delivered by Senior professor of Department of paediatrics Dr V Sivaprakasam.

The following activities included:

  • The Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP) college level Undergraduate quiz was conducted for the Final year MBBS students,
  • Poster competition for the MBBS students, B.Sc. Nursing students and staff nurses
  • Breastfeeding awareness rally on the fourth day with Slogans and banners on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and its benefits displayed to the public.
  • The week ended with a grand valedictory function and CME. Guest speakers Dr. A. Murugesan and Dr Manju Bala Dash, in addition to our own resource faculty highlighted all aspects of breastfeeding, human milk banking and BPNI.
  • Prizes were given to all the winners and participants for the entire week’s events in each category.
Independence Day
15th August 2022
Organ Donation -2022
18th August 2022

World Organ Donation Day is observed every year on August 13 across the globe. Donation is the giving of an organ and tissue to help someone that needs a transplant. Transplants can save or transform the life of a person. One organ and tissue donor can help transform the lives of more than 10 people. This relies on donors and their families agreeing to donate their organ and tissue after death. One person can save up to eight lives from chronic illness by pledging to donate their hear, kidney, pancreas, lung, liver, intestines, hands, face, tissues, bone marrow, and stem cells.

The first-ever organ donation was done in 1954 when Ronald Lee Herrick donated a kidney to his identical twin brother. Doctor Joseph Murray conducted the procedure for which he has also won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1990 for advances in organ transplantation.

The aim of conducting a seminar on organ donation is to:

  1. Spread awareness about the importance of organ donation and to encourage students on the same.
  2. To debunk the misconception and myths related to organ donation
  3. To enrich students about the significance of organ donation

Towards this Sri Lakshmi Narayana College of Nursing has organized a Seminar on Organ Donation on 18th August, 2022 at Lecture Hall-IV, of Sri Lakshmi Narayan Institute of Medical Sciences. The Programme was started at !0.00 am with the Welcome address given By Dr. S.Rajalakshmi, Principal, SLNCON. Followed by that Seminar was presented by the Speaker, Prof. Dr. Baradhalakshmi, ARMO, of Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences. The presentation was done in detail regarding organ donation, its concepts, the myths people have and how to fill the gap between knowledge, attitude and practice towards this organ donation.

The seminar also highlights about the NOTTA and SOTTA and how to fill the form through online. The seminar got concluded by 11.00am with discussion and clarification of queries from the students. The seminar was also graced by the Presence of Dr.Assayas Bascoo Chandra Kumar, Medical Superintendent, Dr. Pammy Sinha, Vice-Principal, and Dr. Kalasri, DMS of Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences. All have shared their views about organ donation and had good interactive sessions with the students. On this great day we took a privilege to honor our Dr. Kalasri, DMS, SLIMS who took bold decision to donate her Husbands, organs after a tragic accident where he witnessed brain death. The scenario made everyone to bind emotionally. The session got concluded with Vote of Thanks by Mrs. P.Amudhavalli, Professor, SLIMS. Finally a group photo was taken.

Lamp Lighting Cermony
22nd August 2022

The lamp lighting ceremony is an auspicious occasion in every nurse’s life, held in reverence of Florence Nightingale. It is tribute to Florence Nightingale who is the Founder of Modern Day Nursing. During this time the student nurses will recite the Nightingale Pledge, where they will verbalize their commitment to the goals, vision and values of the nursing profession.

This Lamp Lighting function formally recognizes the student’s entry into the nursing profession. Nursing is the only profession that follows lamp lighting ceremonies. Here light not only symbolizes knowledge which removes ignorance and is a lasting wealth by which lots could be achieved, but it also signifies the enlightenment, experience, hope, love comfort, and positivity.

The oath taken by every nursing professional signifies the discharge of their duties with complete honesty, and integrity and without any discrimination.

The lamp lighting ceremony for 2nd batch of B.Sc. Nursing Students was held on 22.08.2022 at Lecture Hall-IV of Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, between 9.30 am to 11.00am.

For the programme Mrs. Shanti Tamislmani, Nursing Superintendent, JIPMER hospital, Puducherry had highly consented to be the Chief Guest. The programme started at 9.30 am with welcome dance by first year B.Sc. Nursing students. Later welcome address was given by Dr. S.Rajalakshmi, Principal, SLNCON.Followed by that lighting of kuthuvillaku was done by the chief guest and other dignitaries. Later lighting of candles for the students was done and the Florence Nightingale Pledge was administer by the Chief Guest. Followed by the students had their song. Then students have replaced the candles. The felicitation address was given by Dr. Kalasee, DMS, Dr.Pammy Sinha, Vice Principal, SLIMS. Dr. Rajini, HOD of Preventive and Social Medicne and Ms.Selvi, Nursing Superintendent of SLIMS. Followed by that, the chief guest address was given Mrs. Shanthi Tamilmani, Nursing Superintendent from JIPMER Hospital, Puducherry.At the end vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Saritha, Associate Professor of SLNCOM. The programme was eneded with National Anthem. High tea was served .

Eye Donation Awareness Program
by Ophthalmology Department

THE 37TH EYE DONATION FORTNIGHT was celebrated at SLIMS from August 25th to September 8th 2022 by the department of Ophthalmology. The fortnight started off with an inaugural function on 26.08.2022 at the hospital reception area, with our academic dean Dr. Balagurunathan, our medical superintendent Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra kumar and vice Principal of SLIMS Dr. Pammy sinha as the chief guests.

The Organizing chairman and Incharge of department of Ophthalmology welcomed our dignitaries. Following the inauguration, a community health talk regarding awareness on eye donation was delivered to the public and health care workers by the incharge of department of Ophthalmology.

The following activities were conducted as a part of creating awareness on eye donation in the fortnight:

  • Eye donation awareness rally with slogans and banners on the importance of giving sight to the blind after death (eye donation) displayed to the public on 27.08.2022 in our college road.
  • Poster competition for the MBBS students and Nursing students was conducted on 01.09.2022 at hospital reception area, SLIMS and displayed to the public as a part of creating awareness.
  • Patient awareness videos regarding eye donation were played to the public in the hospital reception area.
  • Rangoli competition on eye donation was conducted for the MBBS students. B.Sc Nursing students and staff nurses on 03.09.2022.
  • Quiz competition on eye donation was conducted for the pre final year MBBS students on 05.09.2022.

The fortnight ended with a grand valedictory function with Guest speaker Dr. Kalaiselvi, Asso. Prof, AVMC & H, Puducherry, in addition to our own resource faculties has highlighted the important of eye donation.

Prizes were distributed to all the winners of the competitions conducted in the fortnight events in each Category.

All our MBBS students and Nursing students showed their enthusiasm and persistence by participating in the competitions and also creating awareness to the public over the entire fortnight events.

CME on “Pharmacovigilance Awareness among Health Care Professionals”
25th August 2022

Department of Pharmacology, SLIMS conducted one day program on Pharmacovigilance Awareness among Health care professionals on the day of 25.08.2022. Early detection of adverse drug reaction is one step towards the prevention of ADRs. Foundation of Pharmacovigilance is spontaneous reporting which is minimal in India. Among all health care professionals, nurses are caregivers at bedside. Improvement in knowledge and practice of adverse drug reaction reporting among nurses will increases spontaneous reporting. To Give Awareness among health care professionals, we invited guest speakers from Indira Gandhi medical College& Research Institute. The Program started with prayer song and lightening of Kuthuvilakku done by chief guest and other dignitaries. The felicitation address was given by dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra kumar, Dr.k.balagurunathan,Dr.kalasree ,Dr.Pammy Sinha,Dr.A.Loudu Jafrin Dr.Somasunadram. Vote of thanks was given by Dr.Jayasheela.

Dr.Lourdu Jafrin.A discussed about Introductions to ADRs and need to report and Quiz on Common ADRs, Dr.Sakkthivel Pazhani discussed about How to report an ADR?. Hands on training was given to staff nurses and CRRI to fill ADR form version 1.4.Nearly 150 Participants including Nursing staffs, Post graduates,CRRI are benefitted by this program.

SLIMS Annual Sports Day 2022

Annual sports day was conducted at SLIMS with great enthusiasm, Various sports programs were organized by Sports Department on this day in which students participated according to their interests. After this many other sports were played which included Basketball, volleyball etc.

The students were very much excited All have been selected for different events and started practising and played their games well.

And in the end, our chief guest also gave a motivational speech, in which he advised everyone to participate in the field of sports and also told many benefits of doing sports activities.

Comprehensive Cardiac Life Support Course for Postgraduates
20-09-2022 to 22-09-2022

The training on this life saving skill is mandatory for all medical personnel irrespective of the speciality. This has been made mandatory for all postgraduates as per the PGMER from October 2021 (according to the National Medical Council). Department of Emergency Medicine had 55 registrations from the Postgraduates of our institution for this 3 days course conducted by Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Hospital's Emergency Medicine Department.

Hereafter, this program is going to be a quarterly training for the Postgraduates and Undergraduates. This 3 day program will be conducted by the valid AHA approved trainers and the E- certificate is valid for 2 years.

Ayudha Poojai Celebration
SLIMS -2022

Ayudha Pooja is a part of the Navratri celebration. It’s also known as “Astra Pooja.” In simple words, it means “instrument worship.”

The celebration of Ayudha Pooja was graced with the presence of our president Dr. SUNDEEP AANAND JAGATH RAKSHAGAN (PRESIDENT BHARATH GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS & ACCORD GROUP OF COMPANIES), Dr. Jayalakshmi, Dean, Dr. Asayas Bosco, Medical superintendent, Dr. Kalasree, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Dr. Rajalakshmi, Nursing Principal has joined on this celebration.

Faculties, staff and students of SRI LAKSHMI NARAYANA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES joined hands together, with great zeal to make the pooja celebration a memorable one also evoking the blessing of the goddess of knowledge to have a successful academic and carrier growth.

World Heart Day Conference – 2022
September 28th 2022

The World Heart Day Conference - 2022 held at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Allied Health Sciences on 28 September 2022. The delegates from all the departments of Allied Health Sciences have participated in the conference. A total 100 people has participated the conference including 3 guests from the Apollo Hospitals, Chennai and JIPMER, Pondicherry.

World Heart Day, annual observance and celebration held on September 29 that is intended to increase public awareness of cardiovascular diseases, including their prevention and their global impact. Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death globally. In the early 2000s roughly 17 million people worldwide died from cardiovascular diseases annually

Management of Cardio Vascular Disease is one of the most stressful situations in now days. The department of Allied Health Sciences of Sri Lakshmi Narayana institute of Allied Health Sciences in coordination with other related departments conducting this conference focuses on various aspects of cardiovascular disease and the advanced techniques used in the field of diagnosing the various conditions in cardio vascular diseases.

Medzantica 2k22
October 7th 2022

The Department of Community Medicine had successfully organised the fourth iteration of "Medzantica 2k22"-A National Level Intercollegiate Community Medicine Quiz competition, UG, PG Poster and Oral presentation events on 7th Oct 2022 in a grand manner. The event was graced by guest of Honour Dr. V.J Chandran IPS, Inspector General of Puducherry. Around 100 teams from various colleges participated for the Quiz event. The winners of UG Quiz event, UG & PG -Poster & Oral presentations received cash prizes, individual trophies and online subscriptions for PG preparations. This year Medzantica was also been earmarked with the addition of "Anusuya Ammal Memorial Award" for the winners. Participants also enjoyed the other activities like fun games, Dumsharades and Treasure Hunt.

14th & 15th October 2022

PUDUCON’22 – 14th & 15th October 2022 organised by Dept. Of Anatomy & RYZENTRONZ (I MBBS) at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry

The 43rd Annual conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil Nadu -PUDUCON’22 held at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences on 14th & 15th October 22. This event was graciously inaugurated by our beloved Dean, MS, Organising secretary of PUDUCON’22 ,President and General secretary of AATN . Almost 300 delegates have registered and most of them actively participated in Scientific oral and poster presentations. We also had 03 guest speakers on different topics who added academic flavour to our event. The “CONFERENCE SOUVENIR” was released during the event.

The Association of Anatomists came into existence since 1976, since then the annual conference is being conducted with an aim to disseminate knowledge of Anatomy & provide great platform for undergraduates & post graduates and as well faculties to present the research work amidst august audience. The best paper and poster was awarded under separate categories of faculty & PG and individual sub - categories for undergraduates.This two day conference was made a colourful by the active participation of undergraduates in quiz, body painting and model making competitions.

The event turned out to be a “MEGA SUCCESS” with the support of our delegates and our management SLIMS.

World Anaesthesia Day
16th October 2022

World Anaesthesia Day, also known as Ether Day, is celebrated annually on October 16. There was no scientific or authentic methodology to alleviate pain of surgery till 1846. Dr WTG Morton demonstrated successfully for the first time on this day in 1846, the pain-abolishing (Anaesthetic) effect of Ether. Oliver Vandal Holmes coined the term Anaesthesia (An=no, aesthesia=pain or discomfort) for the discovery.

Dr WTG Morton carried out the anaesthesia for a patient of Dr John Collins, whose tumor over the left side of the neck was removed by Dr Collins at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, North America. Dr Collin declared to the audience in his own words “Gentlemen, this is no humbug.”

For the past 176 years, the field of anaesthesia has evolved and developed spectacularly, alleviating the pain and suffering of patients and successfully enabling highly complex surgeries in various fields. Hence with enthusiasm and pride ,World Anaesthesia Day was celebrated in SLIMS Puducherry a Constituent of Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research , Chennai on Saturday, 15th October 2022 by the Department of Anaesthesiology SLIMS. Director of PG Studies Dr S Rajashekharan , Dean Academics Dr Balgurunathan , MS Dr Asayas Bosco, VP Dr Pummy Sinha, HOD Anaesthesiology Dr Vishwanath R Hiremath, and Dr M Kalasree Dy MS addressed and graced the function. Essay competition, poster presentation, n quiz competition were conducted for the Students, CRRI, and PG students. Prizes were distributed for noteworthy candidates. Video demonstration with regard to anaesthesia awareness and cardio respiratory resuscitation was a special event. Dr Vishwanath Hiremath , Professor & HOD Anaesthesiology delivered talk on evolution and Milestones in the History of Anaesthesia. Cultural activities carried out by the AHS students . The program concluded with National Anthem.

4th November 2022

Department of GENERAL SURGERY has conducted a CME program PANCREOSURGE’22 on 4-11-2022 at SLIMS.

This event was graciously inaugurated by our beloved Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Dean Academics Dr. Balgurunathan, MS Dr. Asayas Bosco, DMS Dr. Kalashree, Vice Principal Dr. Pummy Sinha, Director of PG Studies Dr. S. Rajashekharan

The Program started with prayer song and lightening of Kuthuvilakku done our dignitaries. Eminent speakers Dr. Karuppasamy, Dr. Manoharan, Dr. Rajendran, Dr. Ramesh, Dr. Prabhu and Dr. Rajesh Kumar presented the topic related to PANCREATITIS.

The Quiz competitions has been conducted for the UG students and the winners received cash prizes

Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences in coordination with other related departments conducting this conference.

The event turned out to be a “MEGA SUCCESS” with the support of our delegates and our management SLIMS.

11th to 13th November 2022

International Conference on Endocrine Physiology A Recent Update

The International Conference on “Endocrine Physiology A Recent Update” is the flagship event of SLIMS, was organized by the Prof. Dr. R. Vijayakumar and its Physiology department on 11th – 13th November 2022. The founder Dr. S. JAGATHRAKSHAKAN is the Chief patron for this international event and our chairman Dr. J. SUNDEEP ANAND acted as president.

Dr. G. JAYALAKSHMI, Dean the head of the institution acted as patrons. Apart, Dr. K. BALAGURUNATHAN (Dean Academics), and Dr. ASAYAS BOSCO CHANDRA KUMAR (Medical Superintendent).

This International Conference unites renowned endocrinologists, international faculty, acclaimed scientists and industry representatives around the world. The following members Prof. Dr. Henri Balraj; Prof. Dr. S. Latha; Dr. R. Srikumar were acted as a Scientific committee and Dr. B. Deivanayagame; Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Dr. Ravisankar; Dr. Visalam were acted as organizing member for this academic event.

Prof. Dr. R. Vijayakumar, organizing secretary delivered the welcome speech followed by Dr. K. Balagurunathan on Inaugural Address and presidential address delivered by Dr. G. Jayalakshmi.

The Program started with a prayer song and lightening of Kuthuvilakku done by chief guest and other dignitaries. The welcome address was given by Professor Dr. Vijaya Kumar Dept of Physiology, The felicitation address was given by Dr.G.Jayalakshmi Dean, Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar M.S , Dr.k.balagurunathan Dean Academics ,Dr.kalasree DMS ,Dr.Pammy Sinha Vice principal , followed by Scientific session -1 Dr.Ajit Kumar Former Research faculty Harvard University Boston USA presented a topic in Revelence of stem cell to Endocrine Disease. Followed by scientific session -2 & poster presentation also conducted for 1st Mbbs Students. At the end of the session Valedictory function & Price distribution . The event turned out to be a “GRAND SUCCESS” with the support of our delegates and our management SLIMS.

14th November 2022

Under the Guidance of our Founder Dr.S. Jagathrakshakan & Dr.J. Sundeep Anand, President Bharath group of institutions, SRI LAKSHMI NARAYANA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Department of Paediatrics in association with IAP Puducherry organised a ONE DAY CME on children’s day NOV 14-2022. The theme of the CME was `FROM Tots to TEENS’ and had topics ranging from new born care to adolescent care in commemoration of IAP child & adolescent health care week and national new born week.

The Program started with a prayer song and lightening of Kuthuvilakku done by chief guest and other dignitaries. The welcome address was given by Assistant Professor Dr. Jeyaraj department of paediatrics followed by the Inauguration of the function by our Beloved Dean Dr.G.Jayalakshmi, Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar M.S , Dr.k.Balagurunathan Dean Academics ,Dr.kalasree DMS ,Dr.Pammy Sinha Vice principal ,graced along with IAP Puducherry branch secretary Dr. Johnson Reddy & Dr. Aram Chenthil IAP central EB -member -2022-2023 also graced the occasion as a guest speaker , around 300 medical & paramedical student and public were benefited.

18th & 19TH November 2022

Under the Guidance of our Founder Dr.S. Jagathrakshakan & Dr.J. Sundeep Anand, President Bharath group of institutions, SRI LAKSHMI NARAYANA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Department of General medicine joined with IQAC & Medical Education unit of SLIMS organised a two days state level conference on DIABETOLOGY titled SLIMS – DIACON -22 on 18 & 19th of November 2022.

The conference was organized to commemorate the “World Diabetes Day “which fill early in the week on 14th November 2022. Accordingly, the theme of the conference was “Diabetic Education to Protect Tomorrow“

On the first day of the conference the program was started with a prayer song the inaugural address was given by Professor Dr. Muthukumarasamy followed by the Presidential address Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar M.S, Dr. K. Balagurunathan Dean Academics, Dr. Kalasree DMS, Dr. Pammy Sinha Vice principal, ARMO Dr. Baratha Lakshmi also graced the occasion with their presence this was followed by a packed academic schedule where external & intramural experts gave a talk on the various aspects of Diabetes mellitus , its complications , its treatment and emerging drugs .

On the second day of the conference seminar cum workshop were conducted on diabetic foot & DKA ABG analysis. Interactive sessions were conducted active participation from the delicates and the students, finally a intercollege quiz was held. Prizes & certificates were given to Winners. Around 250 medical & paramedical students were benefited.

Otorhinolaryngology Essentials
25TH November 2022

The Department of Otorhinolaryngology successfully organised the Guest lecture on “Otorhinolaryngology-Essentials” dated 25th November 2022 by Dr.Jawahar Nagasundaram M.S., FRCS, FICS, DLO Consultant ENT& Head and Neck Surgeon, G.Viswanathan Speciality Hospital, Tiruchirapalli. Under the Guidance of our Founder Dr.S. Jagathrakshakan & Dr.J. Sundeep Anand, President Bharath group of institutions, this event was graciously inaugurated by our beloved Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Dean Academics Dr. Balgurunathan, MS Dr. Asayas Bosco, DMS Dr. Kalashree, Vice Principal Dr. Pummy Sinha. The Program started with prayer song and lightening of Kuthuvilakku done by our dignitaries. Eminent speaker Dr.Jawahar Nagasundaram M.S., FRCS, FICS, DLO delivered the lecture.

The students got benefitted & understand the essentials of Otorhinolaryngology in the field of medical education. Finally, the event end with the National Anthem.

Imaging in Antenatal care
9th December 2022

The Department of Radiology successfully organised an one day CME on " Imaging in Antenatal care - An update” on 9th December 2022, in association with Tamilnadu, Pondicherry (TN-PY) IRIA - Pondicherry subchapter.

Under the Guidance of our Founder Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan & our President Bharath group of institutions, Dr. J. Sundeep Anand, this event was graciously inaugurated by our beloved Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, MS Dr. Asayas Bosco, DMS Dr. Kalashree, Vice Principal Dr. Pummy Sinha, in the presence of IRIA Pondicherry subchapter, President Dr. Nadaradjan and Secretary Dr. Umamageswari.

The Program started with prayer song and lightening of Kuthuvilakku done by our dignitaries.

We were treated to academic feast by our speakers. The first talk was given by Dr. Sivasubramaniyan KM on " Dating scan & Early pregnancy and it's complications", followed by " First trimester screening ultrasound" by Dr. A. Sivarajan. Talk on " second trimester Anomaly scan" and "Fetal echo" was given by Dr. Shriram T and Dr. Shrinuvasan. Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal had given a detailed presentation on third trimester growth scan and fetal growth restriction. Talk on "Fetal MRI" - an upcoming field in antenatal care was given by Dr. Sonal Garg from Mumbai. The session ended with an impromptu presentation by Dr. (col) Sudhir Sachar on various finding in fetal anomalies.

All the talks were on point and crisp. They addressed day to day scenarios very helpful for the postgraduates and the clinician.

Finally, the event end with the National Anthem.

Insight for the medicos on mental health problems
December 2022

Under the support of our Founder Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan & Dr. J. Sundeep Anand, President Bharath group of institutions, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences

The Department of Psychiatry under the aegis of IQAC & MEU- SLIMS successfully organised a one-day CME on "Insight for the medicos on mental health problems”. The Primary focus of this CME is on all medicos, other than psychiatric speciality. As psychiatry related problems/treatment are not much covered or emphasised during the medical course. As a result, there are lots of misconceptions about psychiatric disorders and its treatment even among medicos, like the general population.

As it is not part of exam curriculum, neither our senior medical health professional is exposed to psychiatric related disorders and recent advance in treatment during their course, nor our young colleagues/ students have the expected knowledge in psychiatry related problems. This could be one of the major cause of misconceptions.

Few of the commonest misconceptions include myths such as psychiatric patients are considered to be mentally weak. Which is surely not, as many individuals/celebrities with mental health problems are functioning very well. We also admire them. Because they broke the myth and understood biological aspects, took the right professional help, and acquired insight to their mental health condition.

A common misconception is that the psychiatrist uses only sedatives and the patient will tend to develop dependence/addiction to it. The person sitting next to you might be taking psychotropic medications and you may not be aware of the fact that he is on psychotropic medication because he functions at his best quality of life.

The people who you grossly identify with psychiatric problem are only one tip of the iceberg, who don't respond to medication as like any other physical disorder. We have proper guidelines, when to start, stop, or continue the treatment, to have better quality of life.

We can be sure one of your family members or first degree or second-degree relatives might be suffering with a psychiatric disorder which you are not aware of like (anxiety/ depression/ addiction or dependence/ psychosis/ dementia/ geriatric related behavioural problems). As a medical health professional, you should know how to identify them and help them, give them the earliest intervention and prevent deterioration. Many researches have reported that early treatment have better prognosis.

Another great problem is media, the way they represent medical issues is pathetic even worse when they come to mental issues.

So, the best way for us to reach out to help the people with the psychiatric disorder is to approach our friends/colleagues who are medicos to identify, reach out and bridge the gap.

In order to raise awareness and insight, this program was organised. The programme was started with a welcome address by professor Dr. Arun Seetharaman department of psychiatry on highlighting why the topic was selected for the CME followed by an inauguration of the function on lighting the lamp by our honourable Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Dean Academics Dr. Balagurunathan, MS Dr. Asayas Bosco, Prof. & HOD Dr. V.R. Sridhar, Prof. Dr. Arun Seetharaman followed by a brief speech by the patrons about the department of psychiatry and their best service provided.

The first talk was given by Dr. Pavithra Arunachaleeswaran on the awareness and stigma on mental health, “Breaking the myth”, followed by a talk on " Identification and epidemiology of risk factors” by Dr. Sandesh Venu. A talk on “Approach and intervention” was given by Dr. K. Mathan, Dr. Arunkumar Nagasundaram gave a talk on “Bridging the gap” Consultation and Liaison psychiatry.

The afternoon session began with a quiz competition for the undergraduate students conducted by Dr. C. Agila and Dr. Lokesh Koumar. A preliminary round was organised for 24 teams of various colleges, out of which 11 teams were selected for the semi-finals. The finals were conducted with the top 6 teams. The quiz comprised of 7 exciting rounds.

An artistic poster competition on the topic “breaking the myth and stigma in psychiatry” conducted by Dr. T. Ramkumar and Dr. R. Lokesh. A total of 12 poster entries were received. The organising committee short listed 3 best posters on the basis of content, artistic skill and description about the theme which were displayed in the top three teams from the quiz and artistic competition were awarded with a cash prize, certificate and trophy.

The speech was well delivered and received on clinical, practical and theoretical aspects. Which were well informative and provided great insight to the undergraduates, postgraduates and teachers.

Feedback forms were distributed to the audience and collected. Finally, the event concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Dr. Agila thanking all the chief patrons, patrons for permitting and organising, speakers for accepting the invitation and delegates for encouraging and supporting.

Medicolegists Forum - 2023- Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Meet
January 2023

Inaugural function of SLIMS medicolegists forum - 2023- Forensic medicine and toxicology meet, for the Guest lecture on "Wound certificate " conducted by Dept of Forensic medicine and toxicology , Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical sciences, Puducherry on 18.01.2023

Respected Dean Dr. Jayalakshmi, Academic Dean Dr Balagurunathan , Medical superintendent Dr. Asayas Bosco, HOD Dept of Forensic medicine and toxicology Dr. Sitalal Rathod, organising secretary Dr. Shreen , joint secretary Dr. Abay and Dr. Janarthanan, speaker Dr.Arthy Amarnath has participated and highlighted the event... Discussion on wound certificate is a useful topic for all medical aspirants. Understanding How to write a wound certificate in all aspects including every department much needed for their management and better outcome. # Forensic medicine and toxicology Meet - 2023# SLIMS.

Recent advances in Sports Injury Prevention and Treatment
January 2023

The Division of Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine from Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences conducted conference on “Recent advances in Sports Injury Prevention and Treatment”. Various sports coaches, physical education teachers and physiotherapists attended the program and got benefited.

Dr. Samundeeswari, the only female Arthroscopy and Sports Surgeons in Pondicherry stressed the importance of appropriate planning and training in order to prevent sports injuries in professional and recreational athletes.

Dr. Saseendar, Professor of Orthopedics and Chief of Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine in SLIMS stressed about the need for proper diagnosis and early arthroscopic treatment of sports injuries in order to avoid late complications.

National Girl Child Day
January 2023

An awareness programme on the occasion of “National Girl Child Day” was organized at Government Girls Middle School, Villianur on 24th January 2023 with the extensive support of our Chairman Dr. JAGATH RAKSHAGAN and President Dr. SUNDEEP ANAND. Almost 100 students participated in the awareness programme with the permission School principal Mrs. Gunaselvi, During the session Dr. Gayathri from paediatric department SLIMS gave a special speech on personal hygiene. Medical social worker Ms. Sujitha, elaborated on good touch & bad touch. All participants actively interacted and made the session fruitful and lively. Vote of thanks was given by Ms. Sujitha Medical Social Worker. The awareness programme was held successfully under the guidance of Medical Superintendent, Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Dr. Kalasree, Co-Ordinated by Mr. R. Mathankumar & Mr. P. Ramchandran with the support of other Medical Social Workers of SLIMS. Participants feedback about the awareness session was very positive.

Women’s Healthy Weight Day
January 2023

An awareness programme on the occasion of “Women’s Healthy Weight Day” was organized at OBS out-patient services, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences on 19th January 2023.With the immense support of our Chairman, Dr. JAGATH RAKSHAGAN and President, Dr. SUNDEEP ANAND, The occasion was inaugurated by Honourable Dean, Dr . G. Jayalakshmi with Medical Superintendent, Dr Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Dr. Kalasree, RMODr. Venkatesan and OBG Professor & HOD Dr. Amudha.Almost 60 OPD attendees participated in the awareness programme. During the session our dietician Miss A. Ritta Marie and Physiotherapist Miss K.Vaanmathi highlighted importance of healthy diet & physical activity in prevention of disease in future All participants actively interacted and made the session fruitful and lively. Vote of thanks was given by ARMO Dr. J.Barathalakshmi and programme. This awareness programme was Co- Ordinated by Mr. R. Mathankumar & Miss S. Buvaneswari with the support of other Medical Social Workers of SLIMS. Participant feedback about the awareness session was very positive.

74th Republic Day
January 2023

On the Occasion of the 74th Republic day, Sri lakshmi narayana institute of medical sciences had organized a grand program with the immense support of our chairman Dr. Jagathratchagan and President Dr. Sundeep Aanand, A great pride for all of us because on 26th Jan 1950 the constitution of India came into force and India became a republic. The program started with Tamil thai Valthu, After that parade and flag hosting took place, Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi hosted the national flag and gave a motivational speech, This was followed by students cultural programs, In the end the program was concluded by sweets distribution to all the students, Staffs & faculty members.

Workshop on BCLS & CCLS
February 2023

The Department of Anaesthesia EM organised a workshop on BCLS & CCLS in Association with Indian Resuscitation Council Federation (IRCF) for the PGs. We also trained our own Faculty’s as TOTs who will become Instructors for future Workshops and Certification. Dr.G Jayalakshmi madam Dean SLIMS, Dr.Balagurunathan K Dean Academic SLIMS, Dr.Asayas Bosco, Medical Superintendent SLIMS, supported the event to make it a memorable one.With the support of IRCF our Institute will become a Centre for the first of its kind in Puducherry state under IRCF. Being Organising Course Chairman I am (Dr. Vishwanath R Hiremath Prof. HOD Anaesthesia) thankful to Our beloved Founder and Chancellor BIHER, Dr. Jagathrakshakan Sir and Dr. Sundeep Anand Sir, President BIHER for their support and encouragement in organising this workshop.

This workshop was planned to disseminate knowledge through zoom and physical platform being addressed by the Chairman IRCF, Dr SSC Chakra Rao, Director IRCF Dr. Rashesh Diwan, Editor IJA and Coordinator IRCF Dr Rakesh Garg and Faculties from Various medical colleges from Chennai and Pondicherry. Course Director Dr. SSC Chakra Rao, Course Organising Chairman Dr. Vishwanath R Hiremath, Prof. & HOD Anaesthesia took all the efforts to organise the event. SLIMS is the first Institute to organise a Workshop on BCLS & CCLS under the Aegis of IRCF in Puducherry. In the coming days, SLIMS will be the nodal centre to conduct workshops for Medics, Paramedics, Citizens in various organisations to get them trained in COLS, BCLS, and CCLS to save the lives of victims of Cardiac arrest. Thirty six PGs and 6 TOTs took part in learning the skills of Basics of Cardiopulmonary Life Support and Comprehensive Cardio pulmonary Life support. Dr. Rashesh Diwan , Director of IRCF, Dr. SSC Chakra Rao Chairman IRCF, Dr Vishwanath R Hiremath , Organising Course Chairman, Dr Rakesh Garg Coordinator and Editor Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Professor Anaesthesia AIIMS Delhi, Dr Rajaram Asso. Professor Anaesthesia Karpaga Vinayagar Medical College, Chennai, Dr. Sree Ranjani Prof Anaesthesia Bharath Medical College Chennai, Dr. Hemant Kumar VR Prof HOD Anaesthesia MGMC&RI, Puducherry, Dr. Prakashbabu, Professor Anaesthesia Karpaga Vinayagar Medical College Chennai, Dr. Tamilanbu Consultant EM & Critical care Anaesthesia, SRM Medical College Chennai actively took part in training Delegates.

February 2023

An awareness programme on the occasion of “National Toothache Day” was organized at Govt. Primary. School poraiyur on 9th February 2023 with the extensive support of our Chairman DR. JAGATH RAKSHAGAN and President DR. SUNDEEP ANAND. Almost 60 student participated in the awareness programme with the permission School principal Mrs. Vijalakshmi. During the session Dr. Ganatharan from dental department SLIMS gave a special speech on dental hygiene. All participants actively interacted and made the session fruitful and lively. Vote of thanks was given by Mr. Mathankumar R medical social worker. The awareness programme was held successfully under the guidance of Medical Superintendent, Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Dr. Kalasree, Co-Ordinated by Mr. R. Mathankumar & Miss. S. Buvaneswari with the support of other Medical Social Workers of SLIMS. Participant’s feedback about the awareness session was very positive.

February 2023

An awareness programme on the occasion of “World Cancer Day” was organized at Christ Institute of Technology (CIT), Ramanathapuram Village, Villianur Commune, Puducherry – 605 502 on 04th February 2023 with the extensive support of our Chairman DR. JAGATH RAKSHAGAN and President DR. SUNDEEP ANAND. Almost 80 College students participated in the awareness programme with the acknowledgement of College principal Mr. VijayaKumar M.E, PhD. During the session Dr. Priyadharisini from Pathology department SLIMS gave a special speech on Cancer. Dr. Nishanthini gave a wonderful speech on Causes of cancer. Dr. Monisha Department of Dermatology and Dr. Soham (PG) Department of General Surgery gave a speech on Cancer symptoms. Finally Vote of thanks was given by Dr. SelvaKumar Associate Professor Department of Science and Humanities, CIT. The awareness programme was held successfully under the guidance of Medical Superintendent, Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Deputy Medical Superintendent. Dr. Kalasree, Co-Ordinated by Mr.E. Kamaldass and Mr.G. Thamizhalagan with the support of other Medical Social Workers of SLIMS. Participants feedback about the awareness session was very positive.

February 2023

An awareness programme on the occasion of “National Deworming Day” was organized at Shree Bharath Vidyaasharam CBSE School on 10th February 2023 with the extensive support of our Chairman DR. JAGATH RAKSHAGAN and President DR. SUNDEEP ANAND. Almost 90 students participated in the awareness programme with the permission of school Principal Mrs. Santhi,, M.Phil., M.Ed. Medical social worker Mrs. Karthiga. R, Department Of General Surgery gave the welcome speech. During the session, Dr. Pravilika from the Department of General medicine SLIMS, gave a special speech on personal hygiene And Dr. Agilan from the Department of Paediatrics SLIMS, gave an informative speech on deworming and benefits of the medicines. All participants actively interacted and made the session fruitful. The school students frequently asked their doubts. Last but not least we handed over the ALBENDAZOLE tablets to the children. Vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Karthiga. R Medical Social Worker. The awareness programme was held successfully under the guidance of Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Medical Superintendent, Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Dr. Kalasree, Co-Ordinated by Mrs. Karthiga. R & Miss. Madhumathi. M and Mr. Vignesh. P with the support of ARMO DR.Barathalakshmi and other Medical Social Workers of SLIMS. Participant’s feedback about the awareness session was very positive.

February 2023

With the extensive support of our Chairman Dr. JAGATH RAKSHAGAN and President Dr. SUNDEEP ANAND an exclusive Health Camp was conducted today in Vridhachalam main Transport Department.

Health Awareness campaign for the employees of the Tamil Nadu state transport corporation where 120+ Drivers, Conductors and office bearers were screened and educated about living a healthy lifestyle and the precautions to be followed to lead a healthy life.

The camp was organized in association with TKY health care in vridhachalam which was held in the premises of govt Transport department depo. In the presence of their AE Transport department vridhachalam, Mr. Thirugnanam - TKY health care, medical team comprising of Doctors from Gen medicine, Gen Surgery, Orthopaedics, Physiotherapy and Dermatology where available.

120+ employees benefitted through the camp. Everyone where given Slims Subhiksham privilege cards.

Keelparikalpattu Camp
February 2023

With the extensive support of Founder Chairman - Dr. JAGATH RAKSHAGAN and President DR Sundeep Today we have organized a mega health checkup camp for the general public and school students from keezh parikkalpattu - Bahour.

The camp was organized in association with the Suryoday foundation.

The multi-specialty team of doctors from Gen Medicine, Dermatology, Gen Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Paediatrics participated and screened the patients. The female students were given an awareness talk on Menstrual Hygiene and how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Marakkanam Camp
February 2023

With the extensive support of Founder Chairman - Dr. JAGATH RAKSHAGAN and President DR Sundeep Today we have organised a mega health checkup camp for the general public in Marakkanam.

The camp was organised in association with Automobile service association for the residents of Marakkanam.

The multi-speciality team of doctors from the following specializations screened the patient and gave their expert opinion and advices for a healthy lifestyle.

Veerampattinam Camp
February 2023

With extensive support of Founder Chairman - Dr JAGATH RAKSHAGAN and President DR Sundeep Today we have organised a mega health checkup for the residents of Veerampattinam.

The camp was organised in Village panchayat office in Veerampattinam.

The multi-speciality team of doctors from Gen Medicine, Dermatology, Gen Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics participated and screened the patients. The female students were given awareness talk on Menstrual Hygiene and how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

World Hearing Day
March 2023

The Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery successfully organised the CME on the eve of World Hearing Day dated 3rd March 2023, Under the Guidance of our Founder Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan & Dr. J. Sundeep Anand, President Bharath group of institutions, this event was graciously inaugurated by our beloved Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Dean Academics Dr. Balagurunathan, MS Dr. Asayas Bosco.

World Hearing Day is held on 3 March each year to raise awareness on how to prevent deafness and hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care across the world. Each year, WHO decides the theme and develops evidence-based advocacy materials such as brochures, flyers, posters, banners, infographics and presentations, among others. WHO theme for the year 2023 is “Ear and Hearing Care for ALL“. The Department of ENT, SLIMS was selected out of 192 participants to receive grants from WHO for World Hearing Day activities.

The Program started with prayer song and lightening of Kuthuvilakku done by our dignitaries. Eminent speakers from prestigious institutions were invited. Prof. Dr. Priya from Chettinad academy, Chennai., Dr. Manoj from Saveetha medical college, Dr. Vignesh from JIPMER, Karaikal graced the occasion and shared their immense knowledge on Hearing Loss and its prevention.

On the eve of World Hearing Day, the department also organized poster presentation, rangoli competition for the undergraduate students and were awarded for the same.

Department of ENT also actively participated in outreach programmes in the form of creating awareness among school children, industrial workers and traffic police personnels.

She Physio 2
March 2023

The Indian association of physiotherapists (women cell) tamilnadu conducted conference at chettinad academy of research and education Chennai

  1. paper and poster presentation second prize
    • Miss R. janath Jenifer
  2. cultural competition second prize
    • Mr B.Vigneshwaran
    • N.Jayalakshmi
    • E.Arthi

March/April 2023


The Revised Basic Course Workshop on Medical Education Training and AETCOM (Attitude, Ethics and Communication) for faculty members was conducted between 30.03.23, 31.03.23 & 1st April, 2023 at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences under the observership of JIPMER, Nodal centre. The Revised Basic Course Workshop for the training of faculty of different disciplines regarding Medical Education Training Program and AETCOM (Attitude, Ethics and Communication). It was a 3-day training programme where the faculties underwent training regarding the revised medical curriculum by the NMC.

Participant’s List

S.No. Name of Participant Designation & Department
1 Dr.Swathika .A Assistant professor, Department of Biochemistry
2 Dr.Jeevana Nilkund Associate professor ,Department of Pathology
3 Dr.Lijitha S G Assistant Professor Microbiology
4 Dr. R. Janarthanan Assistant Professor- Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
5 Dr.Kannan K Professor,department of Community Medicine
6 Dr.D.PREMNATH Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine
7 Dr.C.Agila Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
8 Dr.K . Gopalakrishnan Associate professor, Department of Anaesthesiology
9 Dr.Geetha Kishan Siddapur Professsor, Department of otorhinolaryngology
10 Dr.Euvalingam Assisstant Professor,Department of General Surgery
11 Dr.Vidya.S Assistant Professor,Dept. of Anatomy
12 Dr.M.Kalasree Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology
13 Dr.Karuppasamy.P Associate professor,General Surgery
14 Dr.Nagalingam Associate professor,epartment of Anaesthesiology
15 Dr.R.Merwin paul Assistant professor, otorhinolaryngology
16 Dr.Vinod Krishnamurthy Assistant professor general surgery
17 Dr.Nitishkumar Yeslawath Professor , Department of Radiology
18 Dr.Jeyaraj. M Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics
19 Dr.Aswina Tripura Sundari.S Assistant professor, Respiratory Medicine
20 Dr. S. Latha Professor,Department of Physiology
21 Dr.Vincent Bosco Savery Assistant Professor, department of Orthopaedics
22 Dr.N.SUJITHAA Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy
23 Dr.V SARAVANAKUMARI Assistant Professor,Department of Pathology
24 Dr.Manu C.B. Assistant Professor, ENT
25 Dr.Gayathri G Nair Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics
26 Dr.Kavivendhan Djea R Assistant Professor ,Department fo Dermatology
27 Dr.Abhilash S.S Assistant Professor, department of Orthopaedics
28 Dr. S. Arun professor ,Department of Psychiatry
29 Dr. S. Sahana Assistant professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology

Resource Faculty

SL. No Name of Resource Faculty Designation and Department
1 Dr.G.Jayalakshmi DEAN ,& Prof. Of Microbiology
2 Dr. Vijisha Phalgunan MEU Coordinator /Prof.& HOD Dept. of Anatomy
3 Dr.Pammy Sinha Professor & H.O.D of Pathology
4 Dr.Anju Balaji More Professor ,Dept.of Anatomy
5 Dr. Rajini Prof.& H.O.D, Dept. of PSM
6 Dr.Abarna Prof.& H.O.D, Dept. of Microbiology
7 Dr.Thiruselvakumar Professor , Dept. of Community Medicine
8 Dr.Sylvester Justin Stephen Assistant Professor Dept. of General Medicine
9 Dr. Pradha.V Associate Professor, Dept. of Microbiology
10 Dr. Durga.K Associate professor Dept. of OBG
11 Dr.Nithya. R Assistant Professor Dept. of OBG
12 Dr. S. Revathy Associate Professor, Dept. of Pathology
13 Dr.Priyadharsini.J Associate Professor, Dept. of Pathology
14 Dr.Jayasheela Associate Professor Dept. of Pharmacology
15 Dr. Aparnna sudhakar Assistane Professor Dept. of general Medicine
16 Dr.Sivapragasam Assistant Professor Dept of Community Medicine
17 Dr.Sivasubramaniyam K.M Assistant Professor Dept.of Community medicine
Basic Cardiac Life Support Course for Staff Nurses
April 2023

The training on this life saving skill is mandatory for all medical personnel irrespective of the speciality. We inaugurated this important program (Seminar cum Simulation Training) for our Nursing Officers on 01.04.2023 & 03.04.2023 in batches of 25 per day.

Hereafter, this program is going to be a fortnightly training for the Nursing Officers. This program will be trained by the valid AHA approved trainers of Emergency Medicine Department.

Department of Community Medicine

Department of Community Medicine,SLIMS ,Puducherry Organized ‘National CME on World Health Day’ on 10th April 2023 under the theme “Health for All” with immense support from our chairman Dr. Jagathrakshagan and President Dr. Sandeep Anand. The National CME programme started with prayer song and lighting kuthuvilaku done by Prof.Dr.G.Jayalaskhmi(Dean) ,Prof Dr.Balagurunathan (Dean Academics), Dr.Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar((MS), Dr.Pammy Sinha (VP) and Dr.Rajini (HOD,PSM).The event was graced by eminent government heath officials like Dr.Srikanth.S(Medical Scientist B –ICMR- VCRC), Dr.Vasanthakumari.R(AD-Malaria, Filaria program), Dr.Pamagal Kavithai(Nodal officer-Adolescent health) and Dr.Manimozhi.S(Nodal officer-NPCCHH) who gave their eloquent speech on Updates in Vector born diseases, NCBDC role-VBD in Puducherry, RBSK, Heat related illness and management respectively. The programme was a grand success with an audience of around 300 members which includes UG, PG students and faculties from various places. The entire program was witnessed by Dr.Sreenivasan.G(MS,ESI Hospital, Puducherry-TNMC observer)

Department of Community Medicine


We Department of Community Medicine, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry had conducted the Elimination round of IAPSM quiz on 5th April 2023 at 2.00PM . Institutional permissions were sought out from Dean, Dean Academics and Medical Superintendent following which a department meeting was conducted to plan the quiz .A committee was framed consisting of Post graduates and faculties for UG participant registration, another committee for Banner and invitation, another committee for decoration ,certificate and getting OD for participants. We gave information, rules and regulations of the preliminary rounds in 10 days advance to all the department faculties and all MBBS students I to IV year. A total of 81 students (27 teams ) i.e. 5 teams from first year MBBS ,6 teams from second year MBBS ,12 teams from third year MBBS and 4 teams from final year MBBS batches respectively.

Elimination round

All the teams participated without any absentees on the event day 5th April, 2023. Elimination round went successfully with co operation from all the post graduates and faculties from the department of the Community Medicine. The Afternoon session questions were used on 5th April which were printed and supplied to individual participants. The Answer sheets of the elimination rounds were evaluated by the faculties of the department of Community Medicine on the same day and results were announced the following day. The first four teams were Team 13(Antony Infata ,Hariprasanth and Mogliapurv Aravindha ) and Team 20 (Rishavrai Singh,Swathi Lakshmi,Khatoonaimanaseem ) from Third MBBS ,Team 26 (Arnab Adhikai,Anmol Kaul,Sandeep ) from Final MBBS and Team 27 (Karansingh ,Arulmani and Rashmi B Singh) from First MBBS .

Final quiz

The above mentioned selected teams were allowed the participate in the final Quiz which was conducted on 10th April AN session .The final Quiz was hosted by the Department of community Medicine. The Final quiz event was inaugurated by the Dr.G.Jayalakshmi ,Dean , Dr.Balagurunathan ,Dean Academics ,Dr.Pammyu Sinha ,Vice Principal and Dr.Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar,Medical Superintendent of SLIMS. All the third MBBS students participated with supporters from other batches too, around 30 faculties also participated.Certificates and Mementoes were distributed by the Dr.Rajini ,Head of the Department Community Medicine.

Arnab Adhikai Final MBBS
Anmol Kaul Final MBBS
Sandeep Final MBBS

We are thankful for the faculties from Pre, para and Clinical department for supporting the quiz We are thankful for the IAPSM association -National and Puducherry Chapter for providing us the validated questionnaire.


On the occasion of World Health Day 7th April, Sri Lakshmi Narayana College of Nursing has organized the health awareness stalls at OPD block of Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences. The Programme was inaugurated by Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Dean, SLIMS and Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Medical Superintendent, SLIMS. During the time Dr.G.Jayalakshmi, Dean, SLIMS, addressed the gathering by highlighting about the importance of health and the services rendered by the hospitals and how the public should utilize the resources for maintaining good health. Dr. Asayas Basco Chandra Kumar, Medical Superintendent of SLIMS addressed the gathering and the students regarding the objectives of WHO in promoting the health of the people and the role of health care members towards the same.

The stalls were prepared based on the theme of World Health Day: “Health for All”. The screening was done to the general public, health awareness was created on topics such as a) your health is your diet, b) importance of Rest and Sleep, c) significance of Yoga and Medication, d) Importance of having master health checkup among men and women, e)Covid Appropriate Behavior. Totally 145 beneficiaries attended the stalls and got sensitized.

Followed by the Guest Lecture was conducted on the World Health Day Theme: “Health For All”, Where Dr. S.Yuvarajan, Professor and HOD of Respiratory Medicine, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, delivered a lecture on the topic and discussed the importance of health for all age groups of people and different dimension of health (physical, mental, psychological and spiritual) and the role of nurse towards achieving health for all.

On this occasion poster competition was conducted and for the best three, prizes were distributed by the Guest Speaker.

Finally the guest was honored and concluded with group photo and refreshments.

MR Elimination India - 2023

The Department of Paediatrics and Community Medicine successfully organised the workshop on “MR Elimination, India - 2023, Vaccine Preventable Disease (VPD) Surveillance & Routine Immunization Strengthening" an ongoing Government of India Programme by WHO -NPSP dated 22nd March 2023, Under the Guidance of our founder Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan & Dr. J. Sundeep Anand, President Bharath group of institutions, this event was graciously inaugurated by our beloved Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, MS Dr. Asayas Bosco.

Measles and rubella (MR) elimination is a national health priority. The measles virus is one of the world’s most contagious human viruses that kills more than 100 000 children every year globally, and rubella is a leading vaccine-preventable cause of birth defects. India has adopted the National Strategic Plan for Achieving and Sustaining Measles and Rubella Elimination in India and has vaccinated over 324 million children between 2017 and 2020 through the MR vaccination campaign.

The country is moving towards the MR elimination goal of achieving and sustaining vaccination coverage of 95% with two doses of a measles- and rubella-containing vaccine at the national and subnational levels.

The welcome address was given by, Dr K. Maheswari, HOD, department of paediatrics, followed by the Inauguration of the function by our Beloved Dean Dr.G.Jayalakshmi, Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar M.S, Dr. Saira Banu, Surveillance Medical Officer, WHO-NPSP Pondicherry Unit, WHO Country Office for India, and Dr. B.Rajambal,, State Immunisation Officer, Directorate of Puducherry( HFWS), PUDUCHERRY, also graced the occasion as a guest speaker , Around 100 medical personel including faculties, post graduates and CRRI from the department of pediatrics, community medicine, microbiology, medicine, infectious disease, ENT, neurology, and dermatology along with staff participated in the workshop. Dr. Saira banu gave us insight about strengthening surveillance, increasing active case searches, expansion of the reporting network, rapid response to outbreaks. Vote of thanks was given by Dr. Sivapragasam, professor department of Pediatrics.

Cardiology Treatment Center Inauguration

Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, which was started by the Chairman Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan in Agaram Village of Puducherry union territory. under the guidance of Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan & Dr. J. Sundeep Aanand Jagathakshakan President Bharat group of institutions & Accord group of companies has been providing excellent medical services to the rural people for the past 18 years.

Now as the next milestone, Cardiology Treatment Center (CATH LAB) has constructed with world class advanced technology, which has been inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Puducherry Dr. N. Rangaswamy on 7-6-2023 at 11.00 am.

In this function, the Chairman of the organization, Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan, Mr. V. Vaithilingam (Member of the Lok Sabha), Puducherry Hon'ble Ministers Mr. A.K. Sai J Saravanan Kumar and Mr. Theni Jayakumar, Leader of Opposition in the Legislative Assembly, Mr. Siva MLA, Assembly members, Mr. Vaidyanathan MLA, Mr. R. Senthilkumar MLA and former legislators, Mr. S. P. Sivakumar and Mr. Karthikeyan graced the occasion. Our college Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Dean Academics Dr. K. Balagurunathan and Medical Superintendent Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandrasekar welcomed and honoured the special guests. Doctors, students, staff and public of the hospital participated in this function.

The PHILIPS AZURION 5C12 CATH LAB here offers the most advanced Cardiology and Neurology treatments like Angiogram, Angioplasty, Pacemaker, Radio Frequency Ablation, Vascular Therapy, Cerebrovascular Therapy. It is to be noted that all cardiology and neurology treatment procedures are provided completely free of charge through the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Medical Insurance Scheme and Ayushman Bharat Medical Insurance Scheme to benefit the poor people here at the CATH LAB.

Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Meet - 2022

We the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology conducted one day National CME on Crime Scene Investigation with Short-Film & Poster Competition on 23.06.2023 under the aegis of Medical Education Unit and Medico Legal Association of Puducherry Inaugural function of SLIMS medico-legists forum – 2023. For the inauguration our Respected Dean Dr. Jayalakshmi, Medical Superintendent Dr. Asayas Bosco, HOD Dept. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr. Sitalal Rathod, organising secretary Dr. Shreen with Joint secretary Dr. Abhay B. Betala for the morning session chief guest of Dr. Gitanjali HOD of Villupuram Medical College Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology and Dr. Fremigston Marak HOD Of IGMCH&RI Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Speaker Dr. Rajesh and Dr. Rohit Goel has Participated and Highlighted the events. Discussion on crime scene investigation is a useful topic for all medical aspirants. Understanding the forensic pathologist related with the crime scene investigation and how to write the autopsy interpretation at crime scene was discussed in the morning session. Students are participated in the Poster and Rangoli competition won the prizes too. Afternoon session was the short film competition for the inauguration we called Thiru. IPS. Manish (SP, Cyber Crime Cell) & Thirumathi. IPS Swathi Singh (SP, East) Respected Dean Dr. Jayalakshmi, Medical Superintendent Dr. Asayas Bosco, HOD Dept. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr. Sitalal Rathod, organising secretary Dr. Shreen with Joint Secretary Dr. Abhay B. Betala has been participated and highlighted the event. Totally 18 colleges were participated in short film out of that 2nd year MBBS professionals got the 1st prize whereas 3rd year MBBS professionals got the Runner up, cash prize for the winners had given by the chief guest.

“Anaesthetic Management of lower limb orthopedic surgeries in patients treated with Anti-platelets and Anticoagulants : Unresolved problems and Novel approaches”

The Department of Anaesthesia , SLIMS, Puducherry, constituent institution of BIHER, under the aegis of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists, Puducherry organised an academic event on “Anaesthetic Management of lower limb orthopaedic surgeries in patients treated with Anti-platelets and Anticoagulants : Unresolved problems and Novel approaches” on July 8th 2023, from 6:30pm onwards at the Auditorium, IGMC&RI.

The chief guest and speaker was Dr. J. Balavenkatasubramanian, Senior Consultant & Academic Director Ganga Medical Centre & Hospital Coimbatore. A renowned anaesthesiologist in the field of regional anaesthesia, well known in the national and international professional bodies: President, Asian Oceanic Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Founder President and current Chairman, Academy of Regional Anaesthesia, India.

The knowledge disseminating event was supported by our beloved Founder and Chancellor BIHER, Dr. Jagathrakshakan Sir and Dr. Sundeep Anand Sir, President BIHER. Their insights and expertise were invaluable in making the event memorable.

The event had E- registration portal through which 80+ registrations were on record which included faculties, post graduates from various medical colleges, Puducherry and practicing anaesthesiologists. The Event was sponsored by Neon Critical Care Division of the region.

The event started with welcoming of guest to the dais. Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar Medical Superintendent, SLIMS, Puducherry, Dr. Balavenkatasubramanian, Senior Consultant & Academic Director, Ganga Medical Centre & Hospital, Coimbatore, Dr. Hemanth kumar, President, ISA Puducherry Chapter, Dr. Vishwanth.R.Hiremath, Professor & HOD anaesthesiology, SLIMS , Dr. Joseph Rajesh, Medical Superintendent, IGMC&RI, Puducherry and Dr. Kalasree , Deputy Medical Superintendent, SLIMS, Puducherry.

This was followed by Tamil Prayer song. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. Vishwanath.

Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar and Dr. Rajesh Joseph addressed the gathering. The chief guest was introduced by Dr. Vishwanath and invited Dr. Balavenkatasubramanian.

He delivered a thought provoking speech on the ‘Anaesthetic Management of lower limb orthopaedic surgeries in patients treated with Anti-platelets and Anticoagulants - Recent guidelines, unresolved problems and novel approaches’. The subject was comprehensively explained and doubts were cleared in the grey area by interaction with experts and speaker. The event concluded with National Anthem.

SLIMS HOSPITAL inaugurates Laboratory services at Thirukkanur.
Inauguration of Laboratory services at Thirukkanur Out Reach Medical centre of SLIMS HOSPITAL.
The outreach center will be open for public to utilise the laboratory from morning 7.00 AM to 12.00 Noon.
A doctor will be available in the centre from morning 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM in the evening.
Hepatitis B Mass Vaccination Camp at SLIMS on 31st, July 2023
SLIMS Hepatitis B Mass Vaccination Camp

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that infects the liver and can cause both acute and chronic disease. The virus is most commonly transmitted from mother to child during birth and delivery, in early childhood, as well as through contact with blood or other body fluids during sex with an infected partner, unsafe injections or exposures to sharp instruments. WHO estimates that 296 million people were living with chronic hepatitis B infection in 2019, with 1.5 million new infections each year. In 2019, hepatitis B resulted in an estimated 8,20,000 deaths, mostly from cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer). Hepatitis B can be prevented by vaccines that are safe, available and effective. Hepatitis B is preventable with a vaccine.

All babies should receive the hepatitis B vaccine as soon as possible after birth (within 24 hours). This is followed by three doses of hepatitis B vaccine at 0 ,1 and 6 months. Booster vaccines are not usually required for people who have completed the three-dose vaccination series. The vaccine protects against hepatitis B for at least 20 years and probably for life. WHO organizes the annual World Hepatitis Day campaign to increase awareness and understanding of viral hepatitis. For World Hepatitis Day 2023, WHO focuses on the theme “One life, One liver” to highlight the importance of the liver for a healthy life and the need to scale up testing and treatment of viral hepatitis to prevent liver disease and achieve the 2030 elimination goals.

In view of the World Hepatitis day, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences (SLIMS) in Osudu, Agaram village of Puducherry in association with its Department of Microbiology and Paediatrics conducted Hepatitis B mass vaccination program on 31/07/2023 for all the health care workers and students of the institute. It was a one day program from 8.00 A.M. to 6 P.M. It included nursing staffs, non –teaching staffs, faculty, medical and paramedical students and public.

The program started at 8 am, which was inaugurated under the guidance of chief patrons Dr. S. Jagathrakshagan Founder – Chancellor of BIHER, Dr. J. Sundeep Anand President of BIHER, patrons Dr. G. Jayalaksmi (Dean), Dr. K. Balagurunathan (Dean Academics), Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar (Medical Superintendent), Dr. Pammy Sinha (Vice Principal), chief guests Dr. R. Murali (Deputy Director of Public Health), Dr. V. Anandalakshmi (Deputy director of FW&MCH), Dr. B. Rajambal (SEPIO-cum-Deputy Director of Immunization), Dr. Saira Banu (SMO, WHO) and Dr. S. Sagayaraj, Adjudicator of India Book of Records. The organizing team for the event consisted of Dr. Abarna. V (Organizing Chairperson, HOD of Microbiology & NABH Co-ordinator), Dr. Kalasree. M (DMS), Dr. Venkatesan. K (RMO), Dr. Jeyaraj. M (ARMO), Dr. Ramkumar. T (ARMO) and Dr. Abhijeet Shrivastava.

The vaccination was organised at the college block, SLIMS in the ground floor and first floor with 80 nursing staff taking care of vaccination and registration. Each individual were given vaccine cards mentioning the patient details , the next due dates for the vaccine and consent was taken with individual signatures. Vitals were monitored and then the vaccination was given. A separate waiting area was arranged for post vaccination. Awareness were given to each individuals regarding Hepatitis – B virus by pamphlets. Necessary arrangements were done in case of emergency with a Emergency Physician on duty in each floor with emergency beds and medications.

With the great support from the staff, we were able to achieve vaccination of 500 individuals by 9.30 AM, 800 by 10.30 AM, 1000 by 11 AM, 1500 by 12.30 AM, 1700 by 2 PM and 2046 by 4 PM. This largest vaccination campaign is a biggest achievement by our institute and has made attempt to vaccinate 2046 individuals in a single day to create record in India book of records. At the end of the event, India Book of Records Adjudicator Dr. S. Sagayaraj declared the attempt is set as the record for the ‘Largest Hepatitis B Vaccination Camp Organised in a Single Day’ and honoured Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar, Medical Superintendent of SLIMS with medal and the certificate.

SLIMS Hepatitis B Mass Vaccination Camp
Media Coverage

Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences' achievement of creating the record for 'The Largest Hepatitis B Vaccination Camp organised in a single day' in India Book of Records was highlighted well by the media to spread awareness about Hepatitis B immunization among the public. A few images of the leading newspapers and magazines & video clips of the news channels highlighting our Mass Hepatitis B Vaccination camp record event are shared below.

Release of ‘பச்சிளம் குழந்தை பராமரிப்பு’ book
SLIMS Release of ‘பச்சிளம் குழந்தை பராமரிப்பு’ book

During the inauguration ceremony of Mass Hepatitis B vaccination program on July 31, 2023, as a special event, ‘பச்சிளம் குழந்தை பராமரிப்பு’ book written by Dr. Jeyaraj. M, ARMO & Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics was released by Dr. R. Murali, Deputy Director of Public Health. ‘பச்சிளம் குழந்தை பராமரிப்பு’ book is a compilation of 32 articles written by Dr. Jeyaraj. M, in Vikatan. In this book, he has written about problems related to Newborn like Neonatal Jaundice, Rh Incompatibility, Neonatal Hypoglycemia and Neonatal Hypothermia, explaining the pathology and treatment in a simplified language which can be easily understood by the public; All the doubts related to breastfeeding, galactagogues and paladai feeding are explained in depth; In addition the menace of bottle feeding, care needed for preterm babies including KMC was explained in detail. This book is a unique attempt to explain Newborn care in Tamil and it is a very useful book for all the parents, doctors and medical students.

EVENT DATE: 1.8.2023 – 7.8.2023

World breast feeding week is celebrated every year from august 1 – 7, aims to globally encourage breast feeding and protect the health of the mother and the baby. The department of pediatrics, SLIMS, hereby celebrated the WBW 2023- with the global Theme: Enabling Breast Feeding: Making a Difference for Working Parents “by creating awareness among mothers and the health care professionals. We have formulated the following schedule for the WBW.

01.08.2023 -Inauguration, CME & Rangoli competition.

02.08.2023 – CME(DAY 2) and IAP UG Quiz competition

03.08.2023 - Health Talk For AN & PN Mothers and Smart-Mom Contest

05.08.2023 - Poster Competition

06.08.2023 - Cooking Competition(Weaning Food)

07.08.2023 – Breastfeeding Awareness Rally

On the day-1 of the programme Health Awareness Stalls were arranged at the reception area to create awareness among the mothers. Posters were displayed on the concept of advantages and techniques of breast feeding, Myths regarding breast feeding, Complementary feeding at various stages and Disadvantages of bottle feeding.

Day1: Inauguration of Health Awareness Campaign

Rangoli competition was held at the college campus, SLIMS, between 7.30-8.30am to 9.30 am among the MBBS students, the staff nurses and the B.Sc. nursing students. All of them actively participated based on the theme and won the prizes.

Day 1: Rangoli Competition

The CME was started at 8.30am. Dr. K. Maheshwari, HOD, Department of Pediatrics welcomed the dignitaries. Following the inauguration, our chief guests were honored with momento and shawl. Felicitation address was given by Dr. Balagurunathan, Dean, Academic, SLIMS , Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar, Medical Superintendent of SLIMS, Dr.Pammy Simha, Vice Principal, SLIMS.

On Day-1 of CME Dr.V.Sivaprakasam sir gave talk about Importance Of Breastfeeding and Development Till First Year Of Life . Dr.Premakumar sir gave a talk about Human Breastmilk Banking. Dr.S.Keerthivasan gave a speech regarding Common GI Problems In Newborn.Dr.P.Rajarajan sir gave a talk about BFHI,IMS ACT & Menace Of Bottlefeeding. Dr.SS Kumaran delivered a talk on Thermal Care In Newborn Neonatal Jaundice

Day 1 & 2: CME Programme

Dr. Malliga Kannan, Principal, Indirani College Of Nursing , Puducherry.The second session was started by Dr. Jayashree Kurushev, Professor, Department of Psychiatric Nursing, MTPG&RIHS.Topic delivered was Exclusive Breastfeeding.The third Session was delivered by Dr. Abhijeeth Shrivastava,, Professor, Department of Paediatrics regarding Pearls Of Immunisation. The fourth session was addressed by Dr. Jeyaraj, Professor, Department of Paediatrics regarding Essential Newborn Care, Release of World Breastfeeding Week Booklet & Newborn Care Book.The fifth session by Dr. Gayathri G. Nair, Professor, Department of Paediatrics, SLIMS. Topic delivered was Breastfeeding Techniques & Support To Mothers.

The Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) college level Undergraduate quiz was conducted for the Final year MBBS students between 2:30pm-4:30pm

Quiz competition was conducted on the same day between 2.30-3.30pm for the Nursing students and evaluated by Dr.S.Rajalakshmi, Principal, Sri Lakshmi Narayana College of Nursing.

Day 2: Quiz Competition(Afternoon)

On day 3 Health Talk and Essay Competition was conducted based on the theme. Students from B.Sc. nursing II year and III year were participated and won the prize.

Day 3: Health Talk & Smart Mom Contest

Health talk was given by Dr.Sivaprakasam for AN & PN mothers

Day 4: Poster Competition

On day 4 poster and painting Competition was held at the reception area which was evaluated by Dr. Vijayakumar, HOD Department of Physiology, Dr. Kalasree, Deputy Medical Superintenden t, and Slims.

Day 5: Cooking Competition

On the 7th day Breastfeeding awareness rally was organized with Slogans and banners on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and its benefits displayed to the public. The valedictory session was started at 2.00pm, prizes and certificates were distributed to the winners of all the competition. The programme was conducted mainly to create awareness among the mothers about the importance of breast feeding and feeding by working mothers. More than 250 mothers were gained the beneficence of the programme and made a grand success.

Red Run Competition on HIV-AIDS –Awareness
Organised by Red Ribbon Club (RRC)-SLIMS
Department of Microbiology

The Red Ribbon Club (RRC)-Department of Microbiology, SLIMS, Puducherry Organized a 5 km Red Run competition on HIV-AIDS awareness under the aegis of the Pondicherry AIDS Control Society. The programme commenced on August 21 at 3 p.m. and the flag was waved to begin the run under the guidance of chief patrons Dr. S. Jagathrakshagan, founder and Chancellor of BIHER, Dr. J. SundeepAnand, President of BIHER, and patron Dr. G. Jayalaksmi (Dean), Dr. K. Balagurunathan (Dean Academics), Dr.Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar (Medical Superintendent), Dr.Pammy Sinha (Vice Principal), Dr.Kalasree. M (DMS), Dr.Venkatesan (RMO) , the event was coordinated by Dr.Abarna. V (HOD of Microbiology, NABH Coordinator), Dr.Pradha. V, RRC Coordinator, and other faculty in the Microbiology Department. Chief Guest, Mr.Velaiyan.G (Inspector of Police, Villianur). The course set for the race was from Koodapakkam PHC to the SLIMS campus, along the Pathukannu junction. Many students have actively participated in this event. The program was a grand success, with participants from various students (medical, nursing, and AHS) totalling around 150 members. The winners were selected for the district level competition



Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology conducted one day National CME on “SAY NO TO DRUGS” with QUIZ & RANGOLI Competition on 20.09.2023 & 21.09.2023 under the aegis of Medical Education Unit & IQAC and Medico Legal Association of Puducherry Inaugural function of SLIMS medico-legists forum – 2023. Under the Guidance of our Founder Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan & Dr.J. Sundeep Anand Jagathrakshakan, President Bharath group of institutions, this event was graciously inaugurated by our Respected Dean Dr. Jayalakshmi, Respected Dean Academics Dr. Balagurnathan, Medical Superintendent Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar, Organizing Chairman & HOD Dept. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr. Sitalal Rathod, Organizing secretary Dr. Shreen with Joint secretary Dr. Abhay B. Betala for the 20.09.2023 session. Speakers from various government mdical college has attended and delivered the lectures. Discussion on Drug abuse is a useful topic for all medical aspirants. Understanding the risks of drug use, importance of a drug complication, they learned about drug disorders and treatments was discussed in the session. We introduced our pledge regarding drug abuse it was lead by our college Dean Dr.G.Jayalaksmi.


Students are participated in the Quiz and Rangoli competition won the prizes too. For the Afternoon session for the inauguration we called Thiru. IPS. NARRA CHAITANYA, I.P.S, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP, LAW & ORDER) & Respected Dean Dr. Jayalakshmi, Medical Superintendent Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar, HOD Dept. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr. Sitalal Rathod, organising secretary Dr. Shreen with Joint Secretary Dr. Abhay B. Betala has been participated and highlighted the event.

Totally 70 Teams were participated in Quiz Competition out of that 1st place goes to Chengalpettu government medical college , 2nd place goes to thiruvanamalai medical college and 3rd place goes to Sri Lakshmi narayana institute of medical sciences year MBBS professionals got the 1st prize whereas 3rd year MBBS professionals prizes for the winners had given by the chief guest Thiru. NARRA CHAITANYA, I.P.S, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP, LAW & ORDER)


SLIMS Pedicon - 2023

Under the guidance of our Chief Patrons Shri Jakathratchakan and Dr Sundeep Anand and our Patrons Dr G Jayalakshmi, Dean, Dr K Balagurunathan Dean ( Academics) and Dr Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Medical Superintendent, SLIMS Pedicon CME was conducted at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Medical College on November 14 ( Children's day) in association with IAP Adolescent and Child Health Week celebrations and National Newborn week celebration with the theme " For Every Child, Every Right". The welcome address for the inauguration ceremony was given by Dr K Maheswari, HOD, Department of Paediatrics, SLIMS. Respected dignitaries Dr Balagurunathan K Dean ( Academics), Dr Pammy Sinha ( Vice Principal), Dr Kalasree (Deputy Medical Superintendent) and Nursing college principal Dr Rajalakshmi graced the occasion. Chief guest speakers were Dr Tiroumourougane Serane -Vice President IAP Pondicherry and Hon.Secretary IAP TNSC, and Dr Aram Chenthil, Adolescent physician- Past President IAP (2020), Central EB member 22-33. Dr Johnson Reddy - Secretary, IAP Pondicherry branch also graced the occasion as chief guest. Topics on both Adolescent care and Newborn care were covered. Vote of thanks was given by senior Professor Dr V Sivaprakasam. CME was attended by around 100 faculty, post graduates and Nurses.

National Newborn Week Celebration at SLIMS

With the guidance and blessings of our Chief Patrons Shri Jakathratchakan and Dr Sundeep Anand and our Patrons Dr G Jayalakshmi, Dean, Dr K Balagurunathan Dean ( Academics) and Dr Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Medical Superintendent, National Newborn week was celebrated by the Department of Paediatrics, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences between Nov 15- 21st, 2023. On 16th November, an awareness talk on Newborn care was provided to the Antenatal and post natal mothers and caregivers at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Medical College. The awareness talk was conducted under the guidance of the Head of Department, Dr K Maheswari, Senior professor Dr V Sivaprakasam, Dr K Durga, Professor dept of OBG and other faculty from the department of Paediatrics. Around 35 mothers were given IEC on Newborn care

On 17th November, A Well Baby competition was conducted by the Department for all the babies attending the OPD and for vaccination. Awareness on the importance of breastfeeding, newborn care and immunisation was given to the parents by The Head of the Department, Dr K Maheswari and Senior Professor Dr V Sivaprakasam and other department faculty, followed by distribution for the well baby competition to exclusively breastfeed and immunized children. IAP development and immunisation card was also distributed to all the families by Dr Shivaprakasam. Around 25 children and their families were present and benefitted from the programme.

On 18th November, a poster competition was held for the staff nurses and Nursing college students, on this year's theme 'safety, quality and Nurturing care- birthright of every newborn'.. 16 teams had participated in total, the posters were exhibited in the hospital reception to provide IEC to all the visitors. Prizes were given for the winning posters.

BLS & ACLS Three-Day Workshop - December 2023

Under the guidance of our Chief Patrons Shri Jagathratchagan and Dr. Sundeep Anand and our Patrons Dr. G Jayalakshmi, Dean, Dr. K Balagurunathan, Dean (Academics) and Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Medical Superintendent, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Medical College and Hospital American Heart Association BLS & ACLS three-day workshop for postgraduate students.

The workshop was presided over by the Dean of the college, Dr. Jayalakshmi, the Academic dean, Dr. Balagurunathan, and the professor of anesthesiology, Dr. Nithyanandham.

Medical Superintendent Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar, Deputy Medical Superintendent Dr. Kalasree presided and delivered the keynote address.

American Heart Association representatives Dr. Surender and Dr. Ezil explained the technique of CPR to the hospital staff and students and answered the questions of the participants. It is noteworthy that this workshop was held on December 6, declared as CPR Awareness Day by the National Medical Commission.


Sri Lakshmi Narayana Medical College and Hospital Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology conducted a CME programme and workshop on "UNVEILING THE SECRETS OF ACNE VULGARIS" on 13th DEC 2023.

Under the guidance of our Chief Patrons Shri Jagathratchagan and Dr. Sundeep Anand and our Patrons Dr. G Jayalakshmi, Dean, Dr. K Balagurunathan, Dean (Academics) and Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Medical Superintendent, vice principal Dr. Pammy Sinha, & Deputy medical superintendent Dr. Kalashree inaugurated the CME.

Dr. R. Indradevi, HOD & professor, and organized by other professors and department faculty. We had guest speakers from AVMC, PIMS, Muthukumaran medical college, IGMC. Totally 250 delegates participated in the CME and 30 participated in the workshop. Programme started at 8.30 am with registration followed by inauguration.

First session was briefed by Dr. Jude Ernest Dileep on Impact of Acne & Etiopathogenesis of Acne Vulgaris, Medical management of acne vulgaris by Dr. Saritha, recent advances of chemical peels in acne & acne pigmentation by Dr. Trishna Vaishali, Procedural management of acne & acne scars by Dr. Karthik Raja, followed by workshop on Fractional CO2 laser, chemical peeling and PRP for acne scar management and acne pigmentation by Dr. Karthik Raja. All the sessions went well and was informative. Feedback was received from the delegates and felicitation of the speakers and certificate distribution to the participants were done. TNMC credit points was awarded for this CME & Workshop. Finally sessions were concluded with Vote of thanks by our department faculty Dr.Sucharitha.

Management of Traumatic Brain Injury and Perioperative Care of Neurosurgery Procedures

Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care SLIMS Puducherry a constituent of BIHER Chennai, organized an academic event on “Management of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Perioperative Care of Neurosurgery Procedures” on 11th January 2024 in SLIMS. The Academic event organized with an intention to enrich the knowledge of Post graduate students and Consultants involved in the patients with TBI and neurosurgical procedural management. This knowledge disseminating program was organized with guidance and support of Hon Founder and Chancellor Shri Dr Jagathrakshakan Sir and Hon President BIHER Shri Dr Sundeep Aanand Sir and Management Dean SLIMS, their insights and expertise were invaluable in making the event memorable. The event was started with welcome address by Dr Prof Vishwanath R Hiremath, HOD & Prof Anaesthesiology, SLIMS. He highlighted the burden of TBI in India and World. He stressed about the importance of maintaining perfusion and cerebral perfusion pressure and the factors affecting it. He also highlighted the importance of prevention of secondary insults in TBI patients. Chief guest of the event and invited guest speaker was Dr Prasanna Udipi Bidkar, Prof Neuroanaesthesia and Critical Care JIPMER, Pondicherry. A reputed teacher of par excellence in the field of neuroanaesthesia with extensive experience. Dr Prasanna Bidkar delivered highly informative talk from basics to comprehensive care of TBI patients and goals of anaesthetic management in the journey of perioperative care of neurosurgery patients. Dr Balagurunathan Dean Academics SLIMS , Dr Asayas Bosco Chandrasekar MS SLIMS and Dr Pammy Sinha VP SLIMS felicitated the gathering. The academic event was attended by HODs, senior and junior faculty members, Post graduate students and CRMIs. The event was concluded with vote of thanks.

Suturing Workshop January – 2024

Under the guidance of our chief patrons Shri Jakathratchakan & Dr. Sundeep Anand & our Patrons Dr. G. Jayalakshmi(Dean), Dr. K. Balagurunathan ( Dean – Academics), Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar (Medical Superintendent) General Surgery Department has conducted suturing workshop for interns and Post graduates on 12.01.2024 at SLIMS, Skill lab.

Around 70 interns & 15 Post Graduates attended the workshop & acquired hands-on suturing techniques & skills under the guidance of General Surgery Faculties.


Antimicrobial resistance is one of the most serious global public health threats. Despite human efforts to develop new antimicrobials,the microbes develop resistance too fast for drug discovery to keep pace. The impact of antimicrobial resistance in terms of mortality and public health cost is quite high. Not only the overuse of antibiotics, but also the inappropriate use as well as the use in animal and agricultural sector has contributed to the emergence of these superbugs. WHO has given a ‘call to action’ to stop antimicrobial resistance in 2021 by a dedicated, collobarative effort from the health care providers, medical diagnostic sevices, pharmaceuticals and various others sectors. We, as part-takers should join hands together to end this AMR crisis before it becomes a greater public health emergency.

The Department of Microbiology, SLIMS organized a National CME on “SUPERBUGS..ALERT..REACT..” ,on 17.2.2024 (Saturday), in the lecture hall II, College block, in association with IAMM (Puducherry Chapter) and BD Diagnostics, under the aegis of Medical Education Unit & IQAC, SLIMS.

The CME was inaugurated under the guidance of chief patrons Dr. S. Jagathrakshagan, Founder – Chancellor of BIHER, Dr. J. Sundeep Aanand, President of BIHER, patrons Dr. G. Jayalaksmi (Dean), Dr. K. Balagurunathan (Dean Academics), Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar (Medical Superintendent), Dr. Kalasree (Deputy Medical Superintendent). Dr. Reba Kanungo , a stalwart in Microbiology and Dr.Sheela Devi , Secretary of IAMM(Puducherry chapter) took part in the CME. The event was also graced by the HODs and faculty of various departments. The inaugural function commenced with the felicitation of the chief guests followed by welcome speech by Dr.Abarna.V, Professor & HOD, Microbiology and the organizing Secretary of the CME. Inaugural address was given by the respected dignitaries in the dias . Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Pradha.V, Professor , Microbiology.

Nearly 110 delegates enthusiastically participated in the CME in both online and offline modes.

The lecture sessions were delivered by distinguished resource persons.

  • Dr. Justin, Assistant Professor of Medicine, SLIMS, delivered an enriching session on judicious use of antimicrobials in patient care.
  • Respected Dean mam, Dr G Jayalaksmi, enlightened the delegates on the current scenario of antimicrobials and their resistance.
  • Dr.Apurba Sastry, Additional Professor od Microbiology, JIPMER, gave a comprehensive insight on analysis and identification of multi-drug , extensive drug and pan -drug resistance among antimicrobials.
  • Dr.Sheela Devi, Professor of Microbiology, PIMS,delivered a lucid lecture on the appropriate prescription of antimicrobials .
  • Dr.Arun Koushik, delivered an eloquent speech on innovative analytical technologies in the diagnosis of sepsis.
  • Dr.Himaaldev , ID physician, Apollo Hospitals, gave a captivating lecture on the importance of antimicrobial stewardship and the role of culture in escalation and de-escalation for combating AMR.
  • In the view of this event, there were oral and poster presentations for UG/PG / Faculty. There were 8 oral presentations and 22 poster presentations. The oral presentations were judged by a panel of 2 judges which consisted of Dr. Himaaldev G.J ID Physician and Dr.Abarna.V HOD, department of microbiology. Posters were judged by Dr.Sylvester Justin Stephen, Assistant professor, Department of General medicine and Dr.Arun Koushik, Consultant Microbiologist.

    The academic event concluded with the valedictory function. The winners were awarded with cash prices and certificates by our beloved Dean madam Dr.G.Jayalakshmi. The vote of the thanks was delivered by Dr.A.Sivaranjini, Associate Professor, Microbiology.


EVENT DATE: 10.3.2024 – 16.3.2024




World glaucoma is celebrated every year in the second week of march, this year from March 10-16,2024. The aim is to raise awareness about glaucoma and urge people to get their eyes tested for glaucoma. The department of Ophthalmology, SLIMS, hereby celebrated the WGW 2024- with the global theme: “Uniting for a glaucoma-free world” by screening for glaucoma and creating awareness among the public and health care workers. Under the Guidance of our Founder Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan & Dr. J. Sundeep Anand, President Bharath group of institutions, Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Dean Academics Dr. Balagurunathan, this event was graciously inaugurated by our MS Dr. Asayas Bosco and DMS Dr.Kalasree. The screening event is being carried out by the department faculties, Professor Dr. Kalaiselvi, Dr.Abirrhami, Dr.Tharini, Dr.Fathima Fahima and postgraduates. We have formulated the following schedule for the WGW 2024.

  • 11.03.2024 - Inauguration, Free glaucoma screening for general public.
  • 12.03.2024 - Glaucoma screening for faculties
  • 13.03.2024 - Glaucoma screening for health care workers
  • 14-16.03.2024 - Free glaucoma screening for patients and their family members

On the day-1 of the programme, Glaucoma Awareness banners were arranged at the reception area and triple leaflet pamphlets were issued to the public to create awareness about glaucoma. Intraocular pressure is checked using Non-contact tonometry and optic disc evaluation using direct ophthalmoscope is done to detect glaucoma for each person. Those found with glaucoma suspicious will undergo further examination by Gonioscopy, Applanation tonometry, Visual field analysis, OCT disc analysis in Ophthalmology department OPD and further management follows. These tests will be done free for the whole week for the people who come for glaucoma screening.


The National level CME and Workshop on ‘Bowel Anastomosis’ took place at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Medical College on March 22nd, 2024, Conducted by Department of General Surgery under the leadership of our esteemed Chief Patrons, Shri Jakathratchakan and Dr. Sundeep Anand, along with the support of our Patrons, Dean Dr. G Jayalakshmi and Dean Academics Dr. K Balagurunathan, as well as Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, the Medical Superintendent.

Bowel Anastomosis plays a crucial role in managing various disorders of the intestines, including hollow viscus perforation, stricture, and cancers. These conditions are routinely addressed by general surgeons in their daily practice, and mastering such procedures is essential for their career advancement. With this in mind, we extended invitations to young aspiring surgeons. The program saw enthusiastic participation from most postgraduates in and around Pondicherry.

The CME was inaugurated with a traditional lamp lighting ceremony. This auspicious moment was led by our esteemed Patrons, along with Dr. Senthilvelaan, the Secretary of the Organizing Committee, and Dr. Kalashree, the Deputy Medical Superintendent.

The event commenced with a warm welcome and introduction by Dr. K Balagurunathan, the Dean of Academics and Head of the Department of General Surgery. He emphasized the paramount importance for surgical residents to excel in bowel anastomosis. He highlighted that this workshop serves as an ideal platform for learning the correct techniques for bowel anastomosis. While acknowledging the introduction of numerous modern methods, Dr. Balagurunathan underscored the enduring significance of the handsewn technique. He stressed that despite technological advancements, mastering handsewn techniques provides a fundamental skillset essential for navigating various surgical circumstances effectively.

Dr. Asayas Bosco, a Professor in the Surgery Department, delved into the topic of 'Basics and Principles of Bowel Anastomosis' during his session. With a comprehensive approach, he shared his wealth of knowledge with the attending students. Dr. Bosco began by exploring the historical evolution of bowel anastomosis over time. He meticulously explained the intricacies of the various layers of the bowel, emphasizing the critical significance of the seromuscular connection, which he highlighted as the most crucial aspect of the procedure.

Dr. Senthilvelan, Organizing committee secretory delivered an insightful presentation on bowel preparation, focusing on the circumstances in which bowel anastomosis should be performed and when it should be avoided. He provided valuable guidance on the necessity of bowel preparation prior to bowel anastomosis, particularly in cases involving inflammation, obstruction, or infection. Dr. Senthilvelan also highlighted scenarios where bowel anastomosis might need to be postponed or avoided altogether, such as in patients with severe bowel disease, compromised blood supply, or other medical conditions that increase surgical risks. His talk aimed to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the considerations involved in determining the appropriate timing and necessity of bowel anastomosis.

We were honored to have two distinguished special guests from the esteemed Institute of National Importance, JIPMER, Puducherry: Dr. Balamourogan K, serving as Additional Professor, and Dr. Balasubramanian, holding the position of Associate Professor.

Dr. Balamourogan provided an insightful session on various handsewn techniques, covering both traditional methods and the latest advancements available. His expertise shed light on the nuances of each technique, empowering the audience with a comprehensive understanding of their applications.

Dr. Balasubramanian took the stage to discuss postoperative care with meticulous attention and care. He emphasized the importance of comprehensive postoperative care in ensuring patient well-being and successful recovery. Dr. Balasubramanian's session provided valuable insights into managing patients after bowel anastomosis surgery, addressing considerations such as wound care, pain management, diet, and monitoring for complications.

Following the presentations, the workshop transitioned into a dynamic three-hour live session where postgraduates had the opportunity to gain hands-on experience by practicing on bovine large and small bowel specimens. The workshop was meticulously organized with 15 stations, each designed to facilitate practical learning. Under the guidance of our dedicated Assistant Professors - Dr. Euvaligam, Dr. Vinod, Dr. Christu Raja Nambi, and Dr. Keerthi AR - along with the support of senior residents Dr. Pavan Kumar and Dr. Prateeesh, participants received expert supervision and assistance as they honed their skills in bowel anastomosis techniques.

Additionally, a separate suturing skill lab was conducted specifically for CRRI (Compulsory Rotatory Residential Internship) students.

The event concluded with a presentation by Dr. Karrupusammy, who highlighted the importance of diversion techniques in bowel surgery. His insightful session provided valuable insights into the various methods and their significance in surgical practice. Following the presentation, a vote of thanks was extended to all participants, speakers, organizers, and supporters who contributed to the success of the event.

Feedback was collected from the participants, reflecting their positive response to the program. Their input served as a testament to the effectiveness of the workshop in imparting knowledge and practical skills in bowel anastomosis techniques. Overall, the event was deemed a success, fulfilling its objectives of education, skill development, and networking within the medical community.

“ Voiz de SLIMS” 2024 - World Voice Day

The National level CME on World Voice day 16th April 2024 “ Voiz de SLIMS” took place at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical sciences, Puducherry on Saturday April 22nd 2024 Conducted by the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck surgery, under the leadership of our esteemed Chief Patrons DR.S.Jagathrakshagan and DR. J. Sundeep Anand, along with the support of our Patrons, Dean Dr.G.Jayalakshmi and Dean Academics Dr.K.Balagurunathan, as well as our Medical Superintendent Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar and DMS Dr.Kalashree,

Voice awareness has become global today. The CME was held to raise awareness about Voice, emphasizing the theme of "Resonate, Educate,Celebrate", and was organised by Department of ENT headed by Professor Dr. R.Venkataramanan.

Various Eminent Faculties in the field of ENT delivered Guest Lecture in this CME from TamilNadu, Karnataka, and Puducherry.

Miss.Lakshmipriya.S.M, Asst.Professor, Department of Speech Language Pathology, School of Rehabilitation and Behavioral Sciences, AVMC, Puducherry delivered a lecture on “Your Voice Matters”

Prof. Dr. Roshna Rose Paul, Department of ENT, UNIT 5, Christian Medical College, Vellore delivered a lecture on “Evaluation of Voice and Stroboscopy”

Prof.Dr.Suma Susan Mathews, Head, Department of ENT, UNIT 5, Christian Medical College, Vellore delivered a lecture on “Spasmodic Dysphonia”

Dr.Dinesh.S, Laryngologist, Voice Clinic , Rudrappa Hospital, Bangalore delivered a lecture on “High Definition Laryngology in Professional Voice Users”

A Panel discussion was conducted on “Approaches to Laryngeal Lesions” by Moderator Prof.Dr.Geetha Kishan Siddapur, Department of ENT, SLIMS and the Panelist were the eminent Faculties of various Medical colleges like Prof.Dr.Rita Ruby Anbuselvi Albert, Department of ENT, CMC Vellore., Prof.Dr.V.Prabu, Head, Department of ENT, SVMCHRC, Puducherry., Prof.Dr.P. Karthikeyan, Head, Dept. of ENT, MGMC&RI, Puducherry., Prof.Dr.G.Sivaraman, Head, Dept. of ENT, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr.Dinesh.S, Laryngologist, Rudrappa Hospital, Bangalore.

Hands on Workshop on Narrow Band Imaging in Laryngeal lesions was demonstrated by Dr.Dinesh from Bangalore.

Post Graduate PG QUIZ Competition was organised and was conducted by Quiz Master Prof. Gowrishankar, Head. Department of ENT, Govt. Stanley Medical College, Chennai and nearly 50 Postgraduate residents from Various Medical colleges actively participated and awarded with Cash Prizes and certificates.

A Poster Presentation competition was held on the same day, more than 30 Postgraduate residents were participated and the winners were honoured with Prizes and Certificates.

Nearly 180 delegates participated and this CME was honoured by Tamil Nadu Medical Council by 2 Credit Hours.

The Postgraduate Medical Students and Faculties from various Medical colleges of Puducherry and Tamil Nadu participated and benefited with immense knowledge on voice evaluation and voice disorders.

Blood Donor Day Celebration – 14.06.2024

Given Blood Donor Day, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences (BIHER University) conducted a series of programs to celebrate the aforementioned day.

  • Guest lecture for MBBS student on the topic “Demystifying transfusion medicine” in college block, SLIMS, Puducherry (11.06.2024)
  • Donor sensitization and awareness campaign for AHS students in SLIMS college premises, Puducherry” (12.06.2024)
  • Poster competition on blood donor awareness for nursing college students of SLIMS (13.06.2024)
  • Voluntary donor felicitation and Donor Day celebration (14.06.2024)
SLIMS HOSPITAL blood donar day 2024

Guest lecture for MBBS student on the topic “Demystifying transfusion medicine” in college block, SLIMS, Puducherry (11.06.2024)

SLIMS HOSPITAL blood donar day 2024

A guest lecture on the topic of “Demystifying transfusion medicine” was conducted for the MBBS 2nd-year students in Lecture Hall 2 of the college block, SLIMS, Puducherry by Dr. Purshotam Paudel (Senior Resident, Blood Centre). A total of 250 students participated in the event and were enthusiastically involved and interacted well.

Donor sensitization and awareness campaign for AHS students in SLIMS college premises, Puducherry” (12.06.2024)

SLIMS HOSPITAL blood donar day 2024

A voluntary donor awareness program was conducted for the Allied Health Science (AHS) students in Lecture Hall 2 of the college block, SLIMS, Puducherry. The program was coordinated by Dr. Priyadarshini (Prof. of Pathology), Ms. Pooja (Technician of Blood Centre), and Mr. Ramachandran (Blood Centre MSW). A total of 65 students participated in the event and were enthusiastically involved and interacted well.

A poster competition for 2nd and 3rd year nursing students was conducted on 13.06.202

SLIMS HOSPITAL blood donar day 2024

A poster competition for 2nd and 3rd year nursing students was conducted on 13.06.2023 in the nursing college of SLIMS. With 30 participants from 15 teams of 2, the Event was organized by Dr. Priyadarshini (Prof. of Pathology) and Dr. Bharathi (Associate Prof. of Pathology) & judged by Dr. Jeevana (Prof. of Pathology) and Dr. Pradha (Ass. Prof. of Microbiology).

First place – Ms. S Kumari Sneha

Second place – Ms. A.D Dhanushiya

Third place – Ms. Meenatchi and Ms. M Rithika

Voluntary donor felicitation and Donor Day celebration (14.06.2023)

SLIMS HOSPITAL blood donar day 2024 SLIMS HOSPITAL blood donar day 2024 SLIMS HOSPITAL blood donar day 2024 SLIMS HOSPITAL blood donar day 2024 SLIMS HOSPITAL blood donar day 2024

A voluntary donor awareness program and voluntary donor felicitation program were conducted on the Hospital premises (Lecture Hall – 4). The program was coordinated by Dr. Purshotam (Senior Resident, Blood Centre), Dr. Bharathi (Associate. Professor of Pathology), Dr. Priyadharshini (Prof. of Pathology), and the entire team of Dept. of Pathology and Blood Centre.

Dr. G Jayalakshmi (Dean), Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar (Medical Superintendent), and Dr. Pammy Sinha (Vice Principal) graced the occasion with their presence). Dean and Medical Superintendent addressed the gathering and gave prizes to the winners of the poster competition and voluntary blood donors. Dr. Purshotam (Senior Resident, Dept of Pathology) delivered the vote of thanks.

In total 16 voluntary donors donated on the day.

International Yoga Day
On June 21st

International Yoga Day is observed every year on June 21 to raise awareness of this ancient practice and to honor its physical and spiritual benefits worldwide. Yoga is known for its ability to relax the mind and body while enhancing the immune system.

Today, on 21st June 2024, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Medical College (SLIMS) celebrated 10th International Yoga Day. It was attended by Dean, many Professors, Health care workers and Students from SLIMS (Pondicherry) with great enthusiasm.

Dr.G.Jayalakshmi, Dean, explained the importance and benefits of yoga to the participants and also involved in yoga program.

Dr.R.Vijayakumar, Professor, department of Physiology, organized the event and addressed the participants on yoga day. He delivered the speech as department of Physiology organized this program as per the NMC Curriculum for I year students.

The event started with a short introduction to Yoga Day by Dr. Srinivasan, Radiology professor. He emphasized that yoga can bring mental peace and harmony to our lives. He encouraged everyone to try yoga and lead a healthy, balanced life. Warm-up exercises were conducted, and all the students practiced sitting and standing yoga poses. The importance of these poses was explained during the practice. The celebration ended with a speech from our Dean. She urged students to practice yoga regularly to stay fit and improve concentration

All Faculties, Staff and health care workers were taught the importance of Yoga in their life & how to maintain the harmony between body and mind. All the Participants were exhibited yoga postures and promised to introduce this activity in their daily lives.

International Yoga Day celebrations ended with a huge success under the supervision of the Dr.R.Vijayakumar, Professor, Department of Physiology.

The function ended with a vote of thanks by Dr.K. Ramya, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology.


We the second year MBBS students [Tharshan Kumar.L, Vimalnath.K, Jeyanth.B] of SLIMS had participated in the intercollege South zone quiz competition [PHARMFIESTA’24] conducted in Tagore medical College and hospital, Chennai on 23.07.2024. Faculties from the department of pharmacology motivated us and trained us ideally in the way for an effective preparation & also in gaining confidence. Amidst the 80 team’s participated, we were ranked 6th in the competition. It was a great experience participating in the event. We heartfully thank our beloved Chairman-Dr. Jagathratchagan sir, President- Dr.Sandeep Anand sir, Dean- Dr.Jayalakshmi, Medical Superindent-Dr.Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar, Vice principal-Dr.Pammy Sinha and HOD of Pharmacology- Dr. Somasundaram sir for this wonderful opportunity & also for being very supportive throughout the journey.


We the second year MBBS students [Tharshan Kumar.L, Vimalnath.K, Jeyanth.B] of SLIMS had participated in the intercollege South zone quiz competition [PHARMFIESTA’24] conducted in Tagore medical College and hospital, Chennai on 23.07.2024. Faculties from the department of pharmacology motivated us and trained us ideally in the way for an effective preparation & also in gaining confidence. Amidst the 80 team’s participated, we were ranked 6th in the competition. It was a great experience participating in the event. We heartfully thank our beloved Chairman-Dr. Jagathratchagan sir, President- Dr.Sandeep Anand sir, Dean- Dr.Jayalakshmi, Medical Superindent-Dr.Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar, Vice principal-Dr.Pammy Sinha and HOD of Pharmacology- Dr. Somasundaram sir for this wonderful opportunity & also for being very supportive throughout the journey.

*Early intervention, Empowering parents, Enriching lives & endless possibilities: A Successful 3rd Student Developmental Programme*

The Third Student Developmental Programme at Sri Lakshmi Narayana School of Physiotherapy (SLNSOP) was conducted on 6 August 2024, focusing on Developmental milestones.The programme was organized under the guidance and motivation of Chairman Dr. Jagathratchagan and Dr. Sandeep Anand.

Dr. Sivaprakasam Emeritus proffesor , Department of Paediatric at Sri Lakshmi narayana institute of medical sciences (SLIMS), Puducherry, served as the resource person, sharing expertise and insights on the topic.

This event was supported by Dr. Soma sundaram , Principal of Allied health science and Dr. Raja lakshmi , Principal of Nursing. Students from Nursing and Physiotherapy were participated in this session.

The programme was successfully organized by Dr. Velmurugan, Principal, and the Assistant Professors of SLNSOP.

World Breastfeeding Week CME
at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry

Puducherry, August 10, 2024 – The Department of Pediatrics at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences successfully organized a Continuing Medical Education (CME) program in celebration of World Breastfeeding Week.

The CME was graced by the presence of distinguished dignitaries, including Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Dean Academic Dr. Balagurunathan, Vice Principal Dr. Pammy Sinha, and Medical Superintendent Dr. Bosco.

The event featured prominent guest speakers, including Dr. Tiroumourugane Serane, Secretary of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Tamil Nadu State Branch; Past Secretary Dr. Johnson Reddy; Neonatologist Dr. Premkumar; Senior Professor Emeritus Dr. Sivaprakasam; and Senior Professor Dr. Balachandar, who delivered insightful talks on various aspects of breastfeeding and pediatric care.

In addition to the talks, the college round of the IAP Quiz was conducted for postgraduate students, adding a competitive and educational element to the day’s proceedings.The entire event was held under the guidance of Dr. K. Maheswari, Head of the Department of Pediatrics.

The CME saw enthusiastic participation, with around 200 attendees comprising MBBS and Nursing faculty and students, making the event a resounding success.

4th Student Developmental Programme

*Heal, Restore ,Excel: Enhancing Physiotherapy practice. A unforgetable 4th Student Developmental Programme*

The fourth Student Developmental Programme at Sri Lakshmi Narayana School of Physiotherapy (SLNSOP) was conducted on 13 August 2024, focusing on Pre & post operative management .The programme was organized under the guidance of Chairman Dr. Jagathratchagan and Dr. Sandeep Anand.

Dr. Jayalakshmi , Dean , Dr. Balagurunathan, Academic dean and Dr. Asayas Bosco chandra kumar , Medical superintendent were expressing their motivation for this successful event.

Dr. Abilash Associate proffesor , Department of orthopedic at Sri Lakshmi narayana institute of medical sciences (SLIMS), Puducherry, served as the resource person, sharing his expertise and insights on the topic.

This event was supported by Dr. Soma sundaram , Principal of Allied health science. Students from AHS and Physiotherapy were participated in this session.

The programme was successfully organized by Dr. V.Velmurugan, Principal, and the facilities of SLNSOP.

World Eye Donation Fortnight - Day 1

Puducherry, August 30, 2024 – The Department of Ophthalmology at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences successfully organized a guest lecture program in celebration of World Eye Donation Fortnight for undergraduate students.

Eye Donation Fortnight, observed annually from August 25 to September 8, is a pivotal campaign in promoting eye donation awareness across India. This initiative aims to address the critical shortage of corneal donations by educating the public and healthcare workers on the importance of eye donation and dispelling myths surrounding the process. The 2024 celebration emphasizes the theme "I can see clearly now," encouraging individuals to pledge their eyes and help restore vision to millions suffering from corneal blindness. Through community engagement, awareness drives, and collaboration with healthcare institutions, this fortnight seeks to inspire a culture of eye donation, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for many.

As a part of the Eye Donation Fortnight celebration, ophthalmology department of SLIMS, hosted a guest lecture aimed at educating undergraduate students about the significance of eye donation. The programme was graced by the presence of distinguished dignitaries, including Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Dean Academic Dr. Balagurunathan, Vice Principal Dr. Pammy Sinha, and Medical Superintendent Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar. The event featured prominent guest speaker Dr. Rajalakshmi, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr. Rajalakshmi delivered a special talk on Eye care and Eye donation. The session covered various key aspects, including the causes of corneal blindness, procedures involved in corneal transplantation, the ethical considerations surrounding eye donation and the challenges faced by eye banks.

The entire event was held under the guidance of Dr. K. Sridhar Baratan, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, and Professor Dr. Kalaiselvi.

The programme saw enthusiastic participation, with around 250 attendees comprising third MBBS students and postgraduates, making the event a resounding success.

World Eye Donation Fortnight - Day 2

Puducherry, September 4, 2024 – The Department of Ophthalmology at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences successfully organized a guest lecture program in celebration of World Eye Donation Fortnight for nursing staff and nursing students.

Eye Donation Fortnight is an annual campaign observed from August 25 to September 8 to raise awareness about the importance of eye donation and to encourage people to pledge their eyes for donation. During this period, various organizations, hospitals, and eye banks host educational programs, awareness drives, and donor registration initiatives to inform the public about corneal blindness and the life-changing impact of eye donation. The campaign also seeks to dispel myths surrounding the process of eye donation, promoting the message that one person's donated eyes can restore vision for up to two individuals, thereby fostering a culture of sight restoration and community support. The 2024 celebration emphasizes the theme "I can see clearly now," encouraging individuals to pledge their eyes and help restore vision to millions suffering from corneal blindness.

As a part of the Eye Donation Fortnight celebration, ophthalmology department of SLIMS, hosted a guest lecture aimed at educating nursing students and staffs about the significance of eye donation. The programme was graced by the presence of distinguished dignitaries, including Dean Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Dean Academic Dr. Balagurunathan, Vice Principal Dr. Pammy Sinha, Medical Superintendent Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandrakumar and Dr. Rajalakshmi, Principal of nursing college. The event featured prominent guest speaker Dr. Vanaja Vaithiyanathan, Founder and Medical director, Jothi Eye Care Centre and president of Pondicherry Ophthalmology Association, Puducherry accompanied by Rtn. Anuradha Rajagopalan, President and Rtn. Mary Kala, Treasurer, Rotary club of Pondicherry Eves. Dr. Vanaja Vaithiyanathan delivered a special talk on Eye care and Eye donation. Our guest speaker shared compelling data on the global need for corneal transplants, highlighting that millions of people suffer from corneal blindness, but the demand for donated corneas far outweighs the supply. Participants learned about the eye donation process, from pledging to donate to how corneal transplants are performed. The speaker also addressed common myths surrounding the topic and clarified how easy it is to become an eye donor. The lecture concluded with a call to action, encouraging attendees to pledge their eyes for donation. Many participants expressed their commitment to spreading awareness within their communities and becoming advocates for this noble cause.

The entire event was held under the guidance of Dr. K. Sridhar Baratan, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, and Professor Dr. Kalaiselvi.

The programme saw enthusiastic participation, with around 400 attendees comprising nursing staff and nursing students, making the event a resounding success.

Dr. Sivapragasam, Department of Pediatrics Participated Events 2024

With the guidance and blessings of our Chief Patrons Chairman Dr. Jagathratchagan, President Dr. Sandeep Anand, SLIMS Professor Emeritus in the Department of Pediatrics have participated as a faculty in the panel discussion on Poor Scholastic Performance in the National conference of Growth, Development &Behavioral Chapter of IAP @Amritsar on 14th September 2024.We discussed about the new Tool to diagnose Dyslexia Tamil Nadu Dyslexia Screening Check List - TNDC. Had the opportunity to visit Indo-Pakistan border and Golden Temple.

Attended vaccine consultative meeting on 7th September at Savera Hotel organized by central IAP, UNICEF and Government of Tamil Nadu, to prevent cancer uterus in Women by giving free HPV vaccine to all Girls and women from 9 years onwards free of cost funded by UNICEF. Aim to eradicate uterine cancer Super project. The cost of vaccine is around Rs. 3000 which is not in reach of low income groups in our state. It is a Pilot Project in our country.

Tamil Nadu IAP State conference on, 23rd August. at Tirunelveli, Thamarai PEDICON. Dr. V. Sivaprakasam have participated as faculty and gave a talk on Learning Disability-Many things to learn.

Dr. V. Sivaprakasam gave a talk in the National conference of Neurodevelopmental Chapter of IAP, on 1st September 24, on SLD-The Learning never stops in JN Tata Auditorium IISC Bangalore.

Trainer Hands-On Workshop | October 9th, 2024

The Medical Education Unit (MEU) at SLIMS successfully conducted a "Trainer Hands-On Workshop" on October 9th, 2024 under Faculty Development Programme. This workshop was conducted exclusively for faculties of SLIMS .This interactive session focused on equipping trainers with advanced skills essential for enhancing medical teaching methodologies.

Participants engaged in a series of practical activities that covered key topics like AI DRIVEN: lesson planning, content curation and creation, TLM, tools for interactive quizzes and polls, image audio, video generation, assessment techniques, and the use of innovative teaching tools. Our resource persons Dr. Parthasarathy M.D and Dr. Ram Prabhakar M.D guided attendees through hands-on exercises, ensuring that they could apply these strategies in real-world settings.

The workshop provided a platform for trainers to exchange ideas, reflect on best practices, and enhance their teaching skills to meet evolving educational needs. Feedback from participants highlighted the value of the workshop in improving their instructional approaches.

This event was a part of MEU-SLIMS’s ongoing commitment to fostering professional development in medical education, ensuring trainers remain at the forefront of educational excellence.

Integrated Volume Assessment by POCUS

An Academic event was organized by the department of anaesthesiology and critical care medicine, SLIMS on October 18, 2024, Friday. The event was conducted on behalf of world anaesthesia day. Under the guidance of Hon Founder and Chancellor Shri Dr Jagathrakshakan Sir and Hon President BIHER Shri Dr Sundeep Aanand Sir and Management Dean SLIMS, the event was made a success. The event begin with honouring the guests on the dias. The welcome address was given by Dr. Vishwanath R Hiremath, Prof and HOD, department of anaesthesia slims. He highlighted the importance of volume assessment in critically ill patients and the use of newer technology like ultrasound in assessing it. It was followed by the Guest lecture on “Integrated volume assessment by POCUS (Point of Care Ultrasound assessment)” by Dr. Joseph Raajesh, Medical Superintendent, IGMCRI. He is a well known expert in the field of POCUS. He enlightened the students and faculties on the various modes of volume assessment using point of care ultrasound including VEXUS. The highly informative and concise talk was well received among the post graduates. The lecture was attended by Dr. Balagurunathan, Dean Academics, Dr. Pamey Sinha, VP, The talk concluded with Vote of thanks and national anthem.

National Level Webinar on ‘How to build career in Pain Medicine’ October 2024

Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care SLIMS Puducherry a constituent of BIHER Chennai, organized a national level webinar on ‘How to build career in Pain Medicine’ on 14th Octover 2024, Monday. The webinar was organized with an intention to enrich the knowledge of Post graduate students and Consultants in the field of pain medicine. This knowledge disseminating program was organized with guidance and support of Hon Founder and Chancellor Shri Dr Jagathrakshakan Sir and Hon President BIHER Shri Dr Sundeep Aanand Sir and Management Dean SLIMS, their insights and expertise were invaluable in making the event memorable. The event was started with welcome address by Dr Prof Vishwanath R Hiremath, HOD & Prof Anaesthesiology, SLIMS. He highlighted the need of pain medicine and future scopes in the field.He stressed upon the importance of training and skill development involving pain management. Chief guest of the event and invited guest speaker was Dr. Naveen Malhotra, Director, APMC,Ex Hon. Sec National HQ ISA. A reputed teacher of par excellence in the field of Pain medicine with extensive experience. Dr Naveen Malhotra delivered highly informative talk from basics to comprehensive setup of pain clinic and emphasized on team work.Dr Asayas Bosco Chandrasekar MS SLIMS felicitated the gathering. The academic event was attended by senior and junior faculty members, Post graduate students and CRMIs. The event was concluded with vote of thanks.


World Anaesthesia Day is celebrated on October 16th to commemorate the first successful demonstration of diethyl ether as an anesthetic in 1846. The Department of Anaesthesia And Critical Care, SLIMS celebrated world anaesthesia day 2024 by organizing CME. The event was guided and supported by Hon Founder and Chancellor Shri Dr Jagathrakshakan Sir and Hon President BIHER Shri Dr Sundeep Aanand Sir and Management Dean SLIMS. The theme of 2024 World Anaesthesia Day is “Workforce Well Being”The event started with tamil thaai vaazthu followed by lighting the kuthuvilakku and honouring the guests in the dias. The prize distributions for various creative events were distributed. The CME included two guest lectures. A guest lecture on”Comprehensive Trauma Care” by Dr. Prassanna , DMO Anaesthesiology ,ICF, Chennai. The second lecture was on “” by Dr. Ezhilrajan, Prof and HOD, Department of Anaesthesiology, AVMCH. The under graduates, post graduates and students from Allied health sciences benefited from the knowledge enriching talk. The event was honoured by Dr. Balagurunathan, Dean Academics, Dr. Pamey Sinha , VP, and principal nursing college. The event concluded with vote of thanks and national anthem.

World Diabetes Day- 2024

On behalf of Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, Sri Lakshmi Narayana College of Nursing has organized ‘WORLD DIABETES DAY’ on 14.11.2024 between 9am to 1pm. Under the ageis of Dr. Jagathratchagan, founder, chairman, BIHER, Dr. Sundeep Anand, President, BIHER this Programme was campaigned. The Programme was inaugurated by Dr. G. Jayalakshmi, Dean, SLIMS, Dr. K. Balagurunathan, Dean, (Academic) SLIMS, Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Medical Superintendent, Dr. Venkat, Deputy Medical Superintendent, SLIMS, Awareness stalls were arranged at tshe reception area by B.Sc. Nursing II year (Sem- III) Students. Awareness Stalls were arranged regarding causes of diabetes, signs & symptoms of diabetes, diagnostic evaluation, sites of insulin administration and methods of insulin administration, management of diabetes mellitus, prevention of Diabetes and its prevention. General public and patients who visited the OPD were visited the awareness stall and gained the beneficence. Students were monitored the blood pressure, blood glucose to rule out the high-risk cases. High risk cases were advised them to follow the healthy life style practices and regular follow ups. Students were high lightened the importance of food habits and behavioural modifications. Many people were actively participated and gained the beneficence regarding the risk factors of diabetes. This awareness stall is mainly to enhance the promotion of health of the people and to change their life style modifications. The Programme was found to be highly successful." Followed by the guest lecture was conducted, Dr. Suresh Babu, Associate professor, Department of General Medicine, Slims and Mrs. Priya, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, MTPG & RIHS presented the topics regarding management and dietary pattern of Diabetes mellitus. The guest speakers were honoured with Memento and certificate. The programme was end up at 12.30 pm. The students were benefitted by the guest lectures.

National New Born Week- 2024


National newborn week is celebrated every year from November 15 – 21, aims to globally encourage quality of care towards newborn and protect the health of the newborn. The Maternal & Child Health Nursing Department, SLNCON. Hereby celebrated the National Newborn Week 2024- with the global Theme: Safety, Quality and Nurturing Care – Birth Right of Every Newborn” “by creating awareness among mothers regarding safety & quality care of newborn. We have formulated the following schedule for the National Newborn Week.

15.11.2024 Inauguration & Poster competition.
16.11.2024 Rangoli competition
18.11.2024 Debate
19.11.2024 Quiz Competition
20.11.2024 Exhibition
21.11.2024 Guest Lecture

On First day the Programme was Started with Inauguration and awareness stalls were arranged at the reception area to create awareness among the mothers. Poster Competition were Conducted based on the theme which was evaluated by Dr. Dinesh and Dr. Kumaran Department of pediatrics. Students were actively Participated in Poster Competition and won the prizes.

On Second day Rangoli competition was held at the college campus, SLNCON, between 8.30-10.00am among B.Sc. nursing Third year and Final year Student’s which was Evaluated by Dr. Gayathri, Department of Paediatrics. All of them actively participated based on the theme and won the Prizes.

On third day debate Competition was held at Lecture Hall – IV, SLNCON among B.Sc. Nursing III year Students based on the theme of Responsibility of Father Vs Mother towards Newborn Care. Students were shown their speech talent at Debate Competition.

On fourth day Quiz Competition was held at Lecture Hall – IV, SLNCON among B.Sc. Nursing III year and Final Year students which was Evaluated by Dr. S. Rajalakshmi, Principal, Sri Lakshmi Narayana College of Nursing. Students were actively Participated in quiz competition and won the Prizes.

On day 5 Exhibition was conducted based on Newborn care week. Which was Evaluated by Dr. Jaikumar, Vice-Principal, Allied Health Sciences. Students from B.Sc. nursing III year were Shown their Creativity, Innovation and Exhibited their talents.

On day 6 Guest Lecture was arranged for the students at Lecture Hall – IV, SLIMS. The session was Started by Guest Speaker Dr. T. Barani, Principal, Vivekanandha Nursing College. She Explained about Health Assessment of Newborn, APGAR Scoring, Characteristics of Newborn, Immunization, Essential Newborn care. She has Mainly focused on Mortality and Morbidity rate of Newborn, safety and quality care of Newborn. On that day the Prizes were distributed to the winners of all the Events. The programme was ended with grand success.

SAFE 2024 (Sexual Assault Forensic Education)

Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences (SLIMS) successfully organized the SAFE 2024 CME Program (Sexual Assault Forensic Education) on 16th November 2024, focusing on enhancing forensic expertise in sexual assault cases. The event brought together distinguished speakers, medical professionals, and students for a day of academic enrichment and creative engagement.

The program featured insightful sessions by renowned experts, including Dr. S. Janani (Forensic Expert), Prof. Dr. G. Jayalakshmi (Dean, SLIMS), Dr. Vidyaa Ramkumar (Chairperson Dowry Advisory Board), Prof. Dr. K. Durga (Gynaecologist) and Ms. Ramya Ramachandran (Lawyer, Madras High court), covering topics ranging from forensic autopsy techniques to legal complexities and survivor care.

The event also showcased vibrant student competitions, including a Quiz Competition, Body Art (Moulage) Contest, and E-Poster Presentations, promoting teamwork and innovation.

SAFE 2024 was a resounding success, blending academic excellence with creativity, and setting a benchmark for future CME programs.

SLIMS extends its gratitude to the speakers, participants, and organizers for making the event memorable.


Under the guidance of our chief patrons Shri S.Jagathrakshakan and Dr. Sundeep Anand Jagathrakshakan along with our esteemed patrons Prof. Dr. G. Jayalakshmi (Dean), Prof. Dr. K. Balagurunathan (Dean – Academics), Prof. Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar (Medical Superintendent), Prof. Dr. M. Senthilvelan (HOD, General Surgery Department), Prof. Dr. K. Venkatesan and Prof. Dr. P. Karuppasamy, in collaboration with ASI Pondicherry, the 3-day conference PONSICON 2025 for postgraduates was held from January 29th to February 1st, 2025, at SLIMS.

The conference was inaugurated by the Hon'ble Chief Minister Shri N. Rangasamy, Hon'ble Minister for Agriculture Shri C. Djeacoumar, Hon'ble Minister for Adi Dravidar Welfare Shri A.K. Sai J. Saravanan Kumar, Tamil Nadu ASI Vice President Dr. D. Maruthu Pandian, and Pondicherry ASI President Dr. Biju Pottakkat.

Surgeons from across India shared their knowledge at the event. Approximately 350 postgraduates from various medical colleges attended the conference. Additionally, 100 postgraduates participated in hands-on workshops on Upper GI, Lower GI Endoscopy, and E-FAST. Furthermore, 75 postgraduates presented papers, and another 75 presented posters.

Both UG and PG students from SLIMS gained valuable insights by participating in the conference throughout its three-day duration.